Behold - the duct tape
Fruitsalad, you can clearly see that there is no artistic slant to it, there is nothing but an ASShole kid being an ASS....
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Fruitsalad, you can clearly see that there is no artistic slant to it, there is nothing but an ASShole kid being an ASS....
because ASS???? Who the hell
because ASS????
Who the hell knows - he's just doing it because DH told him not to.
What she said.
What she said.
Yes, yes it is. I will toss
Yes, yes it is. I will toss his room tonight when I get home. I am done with this facking kid!!
I'd duck tape his door to a
I'd duck tape his door to a wall in basement. Bye bye door and privacy.
I don't understand how you
I don't understand how you can't see this as artistic expression. In fact I am sure it's to underscore his solitude in such an evil home he has to squat in. If he puts enough strips on the wall aliens will come and rescue him.
Come on Fruit it's an aggressive move and he is defy the authority he so detests. Nothing else but a big ole sc@&$ you.
yeah - I think he calls it
yeah - I think he calls it "Ode to the Tyranny" or "This One is For The Despots"
Yep - I think you're right
Yep - I think you're right }:)
let me know when you come up
let me know when you come up with it, because DH just wants to ignore it altogether. Doesn't want to give ASS the satisfaction, which I can understand.
I would like to go ninja and toss his room when he's out of the house.
Cologne? Cologne? He
Cologne? Cologne? He doesn't shower, let alone think about wearing cologne!! LMAO!!
I am like you - I WANT that asshole to know that I am on to him. Every chance I get. DH and Therapist have said that I sometimes like to poke the beast - well, DUH!!!
I guess that's why he's
I guess that's why he's putting tape on the wall? He is making his own stickers???
What the hell.......
What the hell.......
WOB quite frankly that little
WOB quite frankly that little turd needs his room tossed and all priveledges removed, even his door. How disrespectful to your home and the luxuries he is provided with at no cost to himself. That man boy needs to come live in true abject poverty in one of our squatter camps to truly grasp just what a spoilt little sh$& he is. Geez I am so ticked off for you, I can't type.
I know, I know, and that's
I know, I know, and that's exactly what I would do if he were MY kid.
crap - totally forgot about
crap - totally forgot about that. I will pm you this afternoon.
Justice is working its ass off here today, so we are super swamped at work.
It will slow down this afternoon
check your messages
check your messages
SHARE, WOMAN!!!! }:)
check your messages
check your messages
Find the girliest duck tape
Find the girliest duck tape and form the letters "ASS" in huge letters.
since @$$ wants to be such a
since @$$ wants to be such a d!@k, ask you dh to duct-tape his freaking pecker to his thigh while he's sleeping. he wants to be a d!@k about the tape, then dh can take it literally.
What did I miss? Why did
What did I miss? Why did this kid put a random piece of duct tape on his wall? what is the significance?
^^^^thats what I am
^^^^thats what I am wondering. Details please. I am sticking around till I get them.
there is no significance. A
there is no significance. A while back he taped one of his manifestos to his wall with duct tape. I took it down. DH told him not to stick duct tape on the painted walls. ASS complied for awhile, but I guess had the urge again the other day.
Here's my comment on Tuff's Eff Off Friday blog that inspired my Duct Tape blog -
"Eff Off to ASS, who has a penchant for sticking duct tape to his wall. DH was in his room yesterday and saw a tiny piece stuck to the wall, and took it off the wall. Apparently, last night while I was at dinner with my daughter, ASS asked DH if he took the tape off of the wall.
DH stopped him and reminded him of the numerous times he has told ASS to NOT PUT DUCT TAPE ON THE FREAKING WALL!! ASS argued back a bit and stormed out of the house. I come home from dinner and DH fills me in on the evening's events.
This morning, I had a spidey sense, so I peeked into ASS's room (yes, I covered my nose) and there was a GIANT piece of duct tape to the wall. I took a picture and sent it to DH with this message, "so now besides not being allowed to have a laundry basket, he gets no access to duct tape. F&*cker."
DH's response? Crickets. Now, he does have a very busy day today at work (CEO is in town) but I swear to DOG, if he doesn't go home and find every single roll of duct tape, I am going to kill someone!!"
he will be 18 in mid March
he will be 18 in mid March
I locked up all the duct tape
I locked up all the duct tape and scotch tape and any tape that isn't removable in the house.
If SDs want tape, they can ask DP.
SDs tend to use all tape liberally and SD12 had some stuck all over some of her new furniture. Not my problem, I didn't buy it, and I won't assist with replacement or repair.
I think in your case, with ALL the issues, and no matter HOW hard it would be I would ignore. Inform SO and full on ignore. You'll have to repair it at some point anyway (likely along with other things) once he's out. He wants to live with duct tape on his wall for how many months? So be it. I'd only draw the line at really damaging structure like holes in the wall, broken furniture, hinges, etc. Oh, I'd be icy cold silent.
It isn't that ASS WANTS to
It isn't that ASS WANTS to live with duct tape on his wall, it's that DH told him not to put duct tape on the wall and ASS is doing it just to be a dick. THAT makes me mad.
I am clearing the house out of duct tape, come hell or high water.
Sadly, this will include me taking all of BabyVoice's duct tape, too, as she would totally give it to ASS if he asked her. She likes to make all kinds of things out of duct tape, but I guess she is just going to have to learn that sometimes everyone pays the price when one person is a dick.
As for icy cold? That's my normal state with ASS. I don't acknowledge his existence. At all.
Oh, I don't know...could be a
Oh, I don't know...could be a sign that he's maturing and going to do ok after all . A few years ago the tape statement would have been permanent marker in rainbow colors.
The silver tape? Shows potential. A bit of a hard edge thing going on }:)
Ah, got it. He's FLOUTING his
Ah, got it.
He's FLOUTING his disregard of your rules.
I should have known.
I'd strip down his room and remove his door. Yep, agree with the others.
What does he think? He's going to move into an apartment with likely MORE rules than he can wrap his head around and he's going to rebel against those too? And get kicked out and possible sued by his landlords for damages...I can see it coming already....! He's got a rude life awakening coming to him.
Oh yeah, totally flouting our
Oh yeah, totally flouting our rules. Or basically doing the opposite of everything DH asks that he do, which isn't much, gotta be honest.
He thinks that he will leave our house and find an apartment and pay for it all with the millions he thinks he is going to make when he starts a business.
He definitely has a rude awakening in front of him. I am more than happy to let this kid learn all of his lessons the hard way.
Small loops of duct tape on
Small loops of duct tape on top of existing tape holding many pink tampons. Like a batgirl utility belt.
I really think it's time that
I really think it's time that he loses his door. If DH doesn't agree, then he can deal with putting it back on the hinges.
But then we would have to
But then we would have to deal with the smell that emanates from that room-you know, the smell of teen spirit.
Just spray some Axe Body
Just spray some Axe Body Spray around, it'll be fine.
I think they have one called 'Anarchy'.
I did consider that, I keep
I did consider that, I keep SS14's room closed at all times from his skid concentrate smelly room of funk. DH uses the closet in there so once or twice a week I am closing it because DH leaves the dang door open to "air out" into the rest of the house. My bird room next door with 4 parrots that dip their pellets in their water smell better than SS14's room.
My DH doesn't really like that I am on this website, but I had the balls to show him the photo and give him a rundown on ASS. He asked why your DH hasn't killed him yet. Sometimes I just like sharing other stories with him so we can prepare for SS14 losing his mind in probably a year or less.
The only reason that DH
The only reason that DH hasn't killed him yet is that it would land his ass in jail.
It's been kind of interesting to watch DH for the last few weeks. He seems more and more accepting of the fact that his kid is a dick.
It will be an interesting next couple of months.
Crazy, this kid is very
Crazy, this kid is very smart. Seriously.
I would totally do this but
I would totally do this but it's not my kid.
He's far from dumb. He's actually very, very smart.
It's just that he chooses to use his powers for evil and shitty behavior.
I would write in Sharpie on
I would write in Sharpie on the Duct Tape "My Name is Richard Cranium" and just leave it there. I wonder how long it will take for him to work it out.
^^^^And we have a winner
^^^^And we have a winner lol^^^