Unhappy's Blog
What makes a family?
Is it being related by blood? Is it having children together?
DH and I got into yet again last night. He did apologize for getting hammered on Sunday while watching football and being a complete a$$ to me. He agreed to watch his drinking so that it doesn't happen again.
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I hate Sunday Football!!!!
I freaking hate it. There's either two ways that it's going to go down for DH. He's either going to get hammered and pass out or he's going to turn into a giant d!ck head.
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I'm just completely fed up at this point.
I am just so freaking mentally exausted. I don't know how much more of this BS I can take with DH.
If any of you have been following my story you'll know that due to a lack of parenting and rasing a child to be a little nightmare SD(7) is completely out of control. It's gotten to the point where we are going to put up a wireless camera system in the house in order to protect ourselves from SD's lies and accusations. Both DH and I are actually afarid of her.
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Here are my terms to DH.
Please read previous blog.
I told him that I will not leave him under these terms.
1.) SD is not allowed back over until he gets his parenting or lack there of under control. No excuses. He needs to figure his sh!t out because it's not doing anyone of us any favors to have to deal with her like this and I think at this point we can all use a break from her.
2.) We will be seeking a professional in regards to the damage that this has done to our relationship.
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SD accused me of hitting her with a hair brush.
Last summer SD was following me around the house pestering me to put her hair in a pony. After I did that she was upset that her part wasn't straight. I had a bunch of errands to run and didn't want to keep messing with her hair so I told her that she was going swimming so it didn't matter if her part was straight or not.
After I left she went bawling to DH and told him that after I pulled her hair back in a pony I slammed the brush down and then turned around and shut the light off on her as I walked out of the bathroom.
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I freaking hate dealing with SD(7) in the mornings!!!!!
Every freaking morning is a fight to get this kid to do the most simplest task. And by simple I mean just putting her stinking shoes on.
Why did this comment bother me?
SD(7) has a horrible problem with getting a cold sore and then sucking on her lip until she has this giant scab that goes from her lip down onto her chin. She then picks at which causes scaring. DH and I have tried hard to get her to quit doing this. We correct her everytime we catch her and try to explain what the long term consequences are if she doesn't stop but we can't watch her 24/7.
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I told my Ex how it's going to be last night
For those of you who didn't read my blog from yeasterday,
I sent my ex some texts last night letting him know that from now on when he has requested visitation that he needs to send me a text from his mother's phone when he is at her house for his requested supervised visitation letting my know that he is there. Then, and only then, will DH take BD over to her house and drop her off.
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Ex blew BD off again. This time when he was supposed to give her her bday presents.
Well he's outdone himself this time. Granted in the last five to six months he has seen her a total of two times for a grand total of five hours even though he has asked for his supervised visitation countless times and just never shows up.
The day before yesterday he asked to see her on Tuesday. I let him know that was fine and DH would drop her off after school. I guess when DH got to my Ex's mother's house, where my ex has his supervised visitation, my BD told him that daddy was going to bring her her bday presents. (Her bday 8th was last Wednesday.) She was really excited.
I'm about to file contempt charges on my ex!!!!
So my BD had to go to the dentist yesterday. I paid the $350 up front and then dropped off a copy of the bill at my ex's mother's house because he finally decided he wanted to utilize his supervised visitation finally. I get the check for his portion of what he owes and he made it out to the dentist office instead of to me. I sent him a text telling him he needs to write another check with my name on it because I already paid the bill and the dentist won't accept his check because their is nothing owed at this point.
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