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Is this normal????? It drives me insane.

Unhappy's picture

SS(5) (alomst 6)can not be quiet. EVER. He is constantly making noises all of the time. Sound effects, songs, jibberish, talking to himself. It's constant. I was trying to rent a movie at a redbox in Fred Meyers and he's going off in the entry way. Beeeeeeeeewwwww, naaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh, grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Super loud. People were walking by and just staring at him. I finally had to ask him to stop because he just kept going and going. This morning he's in the bathroom, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, chaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, glaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. I asked him to stop because it was driving me insane and he just couldn't manage to do it. He would say okay and then back to being loud and annoying. I asked him to stop again, he said okay and then went back to being loud and annoying. I asked him to stop again, he said okay and then went back to being loud an annoying. I finally had to yell from the master bath to get him to stop.

I swear it's the most annoying thing on the planet. My BD 8 was never like this. SD isn't like this. It drives me insane. Never a moment of piece. And if he manages to be quiet with his mouth in the mornings while he's getting ready for school he's usually slamming around in the bathroom, banging the door on the wall super loud, jumping off of the toilet, jumping into the bathtub. I have never seen anything like it. And it doesn't matter how many times you ask. Usually I finally have to yell or threaten a punishment to get him to stop.

Is this normal behavior for an almost 6 year old boy? How do you make it stop?


RedWingsFan's picture

I can't say one way or another that it's normal, as I don't have stepsons (Thank God) but in general, boys tend to be louder in my opinion than girls.

Next time he's being incessantly annoying and blabbering - sound off one of those air horns in a'll startle him and probably freak him out. Then you can say, "every time you're being loud and annoying, this is what you're gonna get"! Maybe he'll quit???? I don't know. Find something you know he can't stand and do that every single time he's super loud and obnoxious and maybe then he'll see how he's being irritating to you!

Shaman29's picture

When you figure out a way stop it, please let me know. I'll use your technique on my DH. He never shuts the F up. He is constantly talking or making noise in some way shape or form.

He was out of the state for a business trip for 3 days. Silence was golden.

Not_what_I_wanted's picture

Its a kid thing. My son was always making noise, always talking. It didnt bother me so much, because he was mine. My SD is always talking now, and THAT I notice much more. But its a kid thing, I believe.

BSgoinon's picture

Oh... my DD9 is a chatterbox. She never stops talking. I literally have to tell her "DD, I bet you can't NOT talk for 3 whole minutes." and pull the old "reverse phsycology" on her. Oh boy can she talk an ear off!! I think it's fairly normal. Some kids are talkers, some kids aren't.

Unhappy's picture

It's not talking. It's just making noise. Constantly. Or doing this kind of yelling thing really loud. It would be different if it was talking. My BD is a chatter box and she can drive me nuts too. This is just noise for the sake of making noise. I've never seen anything like it before.

Pook's picture

Do you think it may be something more than that? Maybe along the lines of Tourettes Syndrome? Possibly something medical?

Unhappy's picture

I don't think it's Tourettes. Maybe ADD or ADHD but his school teacher thinks that he's fine. He just has to make loud noises constantly. Maybe it is normal but it sure as hell is annoying. And having to ask him multiple times in the morning to stop just adds to the flame.

Maybe I'll start giving him checks everytime I have to ask him to be quiet after the first intial request on the naughty board. Every check is 10 minutes to bed early. I'd only have to do it once. I'll have to see what DH thinks about that. For the most part I can block it out. I just can't handle it in the mornings. I want to be able to wake up quietly. Not be annoyed awake. He's constantly waking me up in the mornings. I had to get up this mornig before my alarm clock went off because he was out in the hallway knocking on his sister's door telling her breakfast was ready. Not a big thing. Breakfast wasn't ready, but he is always waking me up and I love my sleep. I need my sleep. I always have.

imjustthemaid's picture

Well my BD4 loves to hear her own voice all the time. Sometimes I have to beg her to please please be quiet!! Her new thing is to make kitty noises while I am at the store. I make her play the quiet game with me and that works for a little while. She even makes noise when she is eating. Everyone thinks its so cute. I don't!

Now when SD was little she would make the craziest noises. She was about ten. She still does it when she sees the dogs. It drives me crazy. She would sit outside my bedroom door making noises at them. Ugh!! I mean she's 16 yrs old.

Halo_Horns's picture

OMG..this irritates the hell outta me! When the 2 sshits are over they talk/make noises NON-stop. The oldest talks his way through everything! And I mean Everything..I have even heard him in the bathroom saying " the toilet paper". And those two boys can talk until 3am! I have told them time and again that "I have not seen my sister in two years and we would be all talked out in an the Hell do you two still have shit to talk about when you are always together!". Another head scratcher is they can be still and silent if we go to the movie theatre..but OMG should we try to watch a movie at home!! Frick! It is impossible. And try playing a video game with them around..LOL..Again-Throw the frickn controller out the window frustrating! They talk and direct you how to play the whole time! Now my blood pressure is up just thinking about them... }:)

Siferra's picture

My SS7 does this too, and it drives me nuts! It's like he doesn't even know it's happening! We'll tell him to stop, and it stops for maybe 5 seconds. We try to tell him that he's welcome to talk with us if he wants to actually TELL us something, but 'BEWWWWW, BLOOP< AAAAAAAHHHHHH WAHHHHHH!" isn't working for us.

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