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The Idiots Guide To Avoid Unacceptable Behavior After A Divorce

Unhappy's picture

So I actually just got done replying to someone elses blog with this and I thought that maybe we could have some fun with it.

If the courts were to hand out books to both parties in the divorce as to what behavior is unacceptable now that the two are no longer married, what do you think it should say?

1.) Expecting to retain any marital rights with your ex-husband from your previous marrage is not going to happen.

2.) Manipulating the kids and playing mind games with them is unacceptable for any parent.

3.)Stalking is unacceptable and can lead to a restraining order.

4.) Begging to get your ex back for any length of time comes off as desparate and pathetic and makes the rest of us females look like jack

5.) Threatening someone who is smarter then you probably isn't going to work for your benifit.

6.) You are what's considered a sperm dumpster. The sooner you accept this the better you life will be. (Techinally this doesn't fit with what unacceptable portion of the book, but I think that there's some truth to it.)

7.) Taking your crazy out on other functioning adults will make people hate you and want to avoid you at all costs.

Come on guys and gals. I know you can add to this list.


GoodbyeNormaJean's picture

Seriously! When DH and BM3 divorced, they had to go watch a video about divorcing with kids.

Why watch a video when so much pertinent info is left out. Such as "You don't live together anymore. You can't tell him what to do." and "Nobody cares what you want." and maybe "Has it occurred to you that if he could unf^%k you, he would?"

It's pitiful! I've NEVER experienced unrequited love or love and loss. If I had, I cannot imagine continuing to persue a person who made it clear that they DID NOT want me. It's the definition of insulting to me. Why why why?

LPowers's picture

I think the next time SD's BM says ANYTHING to me I just might use your comment...I love it!! She thinks she is queen B all because 2 people got drunk and forgot to pull out and/or use a condom!

aggravated1's picture

8. The statute of limitations runs out on your ex finding you attractive and wanting you back, and it runs out MUCH sooner than you think. Try to live in reality a little, please.

9. There is a very strong chance that your ex is not drowning in a pool of tears that you are divorced, but is instead the most joyous MF'er that ever walked the planet, and he/she is thanking their lucky stars.

herewegoagain's picture

12. It really makes your ex realize what a s((:t you were when you tell others you give your "used goods" to the less fortunate...

donna123's picture

13) Don’t ever ask for the return of gifts that were given to an EX spouse 25 years ago. Be happy he didn’t throw them in the trash.

14) Don’t gossip about an EX spouse’s wife in his family based on nothing but hearsay. Haven’t you got your own family to spread your gossip into?

15) Don’t phone an EX spouse years after you divorced to discuss your personal problems. It is an invasion of their marriage, and he likely doesn’t care.

16) Don’t use the children as spys to inventory new purchases and get the goods. What goes on in their home in none of your business.

17) Don’t claim partnership in an EX spouse’s career success 20 years later. You never had anything to do with it.

18) Don’t make comments to the children like, your dad is different now, he used to be a nice guy. Those thinly veiled manipulations are so transparent.

19) Don’t ever act like you know more about an EX spouse than his wife does. You don’t!

20) Don’t pretend you don’t know his phone # and email when you darn well do and then send out requests asking his family for them insinuating neglect on his part.

oneoffour's picture

*) You are half of a parenting duo. You are not the all-knowing all-seeing one who knows so much better than the other and refuse to discuss your childrens path through life because you have tits.

*) Giving your child a cell phone means you can also take it away.

*) Listen to each other. Someone may not always be right. Yeah, I am talking about YOU!

*) If your ex offered you a chance to remain in your marriage (counselling or treatment for your bad habits)you have no one but yourself to blame if you fail to heed his needs. Namely a communicative loving wife.

skylarksms's picture

**) Just because you are divorced doesn't mean that your children are now your BFFs. Act like a sane, reasonable, friendly person rather than a vindictive shriveled up hag and you can find your OWN friends to complain to instead of using the children.

iloveit's picture

Isn't it sad that there even NEEDS to be a guide or video or book of any kind?! I just cannot get over a lot of these BM's and the desperation. I'm telling you, if you are divorcing me/separating from me etc, I want NOTHING to do with you! I realize that I don't have my own children and perhaps that is a different story I won't claim to know anything about that hurt. But how would that give me license to TORTURE my ex husband and anyone he chooses to be with?? I'm telling you, if you leave me I want you to drop off the face of the earth and I don't want to see you/speak to you any more than I have to. So that means that I'm going to move on with my own life as well...anything aside from that is SUCH a waste of time. Just think, if these women put as much effort into finding a new person to have a relationship with as they do manipulating/tricking/torturing ex husbands they would actually be happy in life!! Good, bad or's OVER.