Uddermudder123's Blog
Mommy Dearest Has Ruined SD
The depths to which SD17's BM can go has no bounds. Let me preface this by stating that DH and I have not seen SD17 in months - roughly October for me and early December for DH. BM has classic narcassistic personality disorder and makes SD17 feel guilty any time she wants to come see us apparently. SD17 continues to not go to school but can work part time. BM has a doctor who has prescribed SD17 meds for undiagnosed ADHD, depression and anxiety AND SD17 is addicted to weed. Even her doctor has told her that she can't be smoking it while on the meds she is on.
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The Adventures of a Step Mom with a Narcissistic BM
Last month, I went through a very rough patch with my SD and her BM. Sprouting from me asking my SD why she was sent home from school (for verbally threatening some girls). I received very nasty, almost abusive texts from BM. And I did respond diplomatically once and only once. This resulted in a further abusive email response and I then blocked mommy dearest (as i call her). Later, I reviewed the response and decided to write a response but not send it as there is no point in doing so. It was more for my own sanity.
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