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BM has FIRED SD17 and SS15 has her children!

ubrngoutdbitchnme's picture

Amazing......BM deserves to rot in hell for what she has done to skids. She kicked them out of her mothers home this past weekend. SO had to buy them 2 one way tickets to come back today. BM was threatening to drop them off at the police station or take them to foster care. Why? All because SD17 would not sign an "affidativ" to help BM take SO back to court. According to BM, SO is a crazy maniac that snorts cocaine. And he hits Ubrng and SS15.

Even their own grandmother was threatening to take them to the police station. It seems as if BM and SD17 got into a huge argument and SD17 called BM a cunt! I don't understand why BM would be so upset to be called something that she is!

I finally spoke to SD17 yesterday after not speaking to her in over a year. Come to find out, BM had given SD17 permission to come back to our state and visit her friends. SD17 was here 3 times. One time she was out here for 2 whole weeks. Of course, she didn't tell her dad! What a selfish brat! That BM had also given her a 2 am curfew. Who gives a 17 year old a 2 am curfew?!?!?!

BM sent SO a bunch of text messages yesterday. Telling him that SD17 was going to take custody of SS15 once she turned 18. Which is in 3 months. That SD17 has slept with 13 guys and she allows them to choke her while having sex.....Uhm, BMs sister was murdered by a guy that liked doing that to girls. BM is sooooo fucken twisted in the head. That BM is NOT going to press charges on SD17 for threatening her. Wow.

SD17 missed 30 days of school. BM was supposed to go today to the school and try to clear up the situation. Well now she is not going to do that. I called the school and they will not give me any information. Understandable. SO has to contact BM so she can add him as an authorized person. NEVER GOING TO HAPPEN!!!

SD17 told us that BM makes up conversations. There was one incident where SD17 and her aunt were talking in the kitchen. BM heard them talking. BM accused SD17 of calling her fat and talking about her. Another incident, SD17 has a friend that joined the military. He just so happened to be stationed nearby to where SD17 lived with BM. BM gave her permission to go visit the friend at the base. When they got to the base BM had to show her ID. She has an expired ID and she refuses to get an updated one. I guess BM thought she was being slick by folding the ID where it shows the expired date. The guard at the base did not allow them access. I'm not sure if they took away her ID or not but it seems as if BM blamed it all on SD17. SD17 says she has so many stories to tell about BM.

SD17 got a corneal ulcer. I am guessing because she was wearing old contacts since her BM was too broke to buy her a new pair. SD17 HAD a job! But she took BMs advice and quit so she could find another job that gave her more hours! She took advice from a 49 year old unemployed loser!

So, now both skids are on their way back. They arrive in a few hours. So much for our alone time together...I moved out a month ago but SO and I were/are trying to work things out. I told him that I am not coming back as a girlfriend. We have been together 7 years. He gave me a ring back in 2010 but never called me his fiance and we never talked about getting married. We shall see on that one.

Anyways, both skids will be here permanently. SS15 will get signed up for summer school tomorrow which starts next week. SD17 is going to have to be taken to her old high school here and explain her situation to them and they will get her transcripts for us. Accoridng to SD17 she will not give us anymore trouble...We shall see on that one, too!

I would not be surprised if BM sends an email talking mad shit about SD17 and telling us all the bad things she did. BM told SD17 that she needs to protect SS15 when SO is beating him. Whatever bitch. BM also texted SO how he needs to quit hitting me. She is so delusional.....It blows my mind.