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tsrw0615's Blog

Human milk for human babies

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I just want to say that I will never forgive my husband for allowing his mother to ruin my breastfeeding experience. Yes, this is related to because she also encourages my step kids to fight my bio kid. I am an avid breastfeeder, and around 3 months of age she gave my baby all sorts of food behind my back. Skids later rubbed it in my face. At 5 months, she chewed steak, then gave it to my son to eat. Did I mention that she doesnt have teeth. I addressed the issue with my hsband and he, in my opinion, did not aggressively persue the issue.

Peace Impossible

tsrw0615's picture

I am a 26 y/o Smom of 2 kids aged 9 and 15. I am a bio mom of 2 kids aged 6 years and 10 months(from this marraige. I am hoping that someone can convince me that there is another option to blended family madness than DIVORCE. My husband and I have been married for two years. Two weeks before we were married, BM dropped off kids and never came back. Til this day they are living with us. Both husband and I work full time.