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Please enlighten me...why can my husband NOT tell his daugther no....i need answers!

tryingtomakeit's picture

SO i am already dealing with a sick baby on top our our trip this weekend. Well it looks as if the sd will be going :(.

Well, my husbands parents were going to drop sd off on Saturday when they came through our town. We like a good 40 minutes from sd.

My husband said she called and begged him for me to comepick her up on Friday becasue she "wanted" to spend time with us. (It will be 6 pm before she gets to the house and she will go straight to her room.)

I dont beielve him. I think first off he texted her..they did not talk.

And two. She didnt want to ride with her grandparents. SO, instead of doing the right thing and telling her no due to the sick baby and me being in the car enough as it is. HE told her that I would come get her. How selfish is that.

Gas is not cheap either. In any other case he would have done it, but becasue his little angle fussed he has to make sure that we weekend is PERFECT and just the way she wants it...who cares about any one else


3familiesIn1's picture

Tell him you don't feel well too, that you caught what the baby has and you cannot go get her. Tell him to remake the plans with the GParents or he will have to go himself, you will be at home in bed.

StarStuff's picture

And what about the poor sick baby?! Did he not think that it would be bad for the baby to be bundled out of the house to pick up precious SD? Because if HE couldn't pick up SD, then he obviously wasn't going to watch the sick baby. SMH.

LilyBelle's picture

We all have to walk through this life, and we all carry our own bundles. Part of the key of living joyfully and not being over burdened is to learn which bundles are ours to carry, and which ones are someone else's. Don't pick up someone else's bundle.

your health- your bundle
Caring for your child- your bundle
loving your husband- your bundle
providing transportation to his child- not your bundle.

You should never be the one transporting his child- accompanying him, sure if you enjoy it... time in the car is great time for talking. But, he should always be the one planning and providing the transportation.

Leave his bundle on the road. You have enough of your own to carry.

magnummom's picture

I would say no as well. He can't just throw this on you! It's not fair to you or your sick child.