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tootie25's Blog

I've Got To Keep Reminding Myself

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BM drives me up a wall- that goes without saying. DH and I got married because I got pregnant, and for a while I worried if I did the right thing by marrying him. Things were sooo complicated and 99% of the problem was BM. Simply put- shes jealous of me in every aspect. She picks on me and my son with DH constantly. I truly believe she wishes she were where I am. BUT SHES NOT.

Its been awhile but its the same old thing

tootie25's picture

So we went to pick my SS4 two weeks ago and the back of his whole left hand was burned by an iron. BM says she was ironing clothes on her bed with a small ironing board and he jumped on the bed and burnt himself. Whatever. It looks horrible. THe kid doesn't listen so this is somewhat beleiveable. Then today when we pick him up for his weekday visitation, he has a black eye! When asked how it happened BM just says "ask him" SS4 says "Mommy says Toby (her other son) jumped up and hit my eye with his head." Weird. My mommy says? Hmm.

Ok maybe it was alittle crazy of me...

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DH has been getting numerous blank emails from his exes old email with her married name which is literally her She's since remarried and her name has changed. He calls her and asks her to quit emailing him, she laughs. He asks why still use that email and doesn't her husband care? she says he doesn't and hangs up. Whatever. Well I see her add my ex on FB whom I had an absolute horrible breakup with. I mean horrble breakup. And the only reason she would even add him is to talk about me.