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"Was DD an accident?"

Toastergirl's picture

SD (age nine): was DD an accident?
Me: um, what? No. Children aren't mistakes. It's rude to ask that.
SD: No, I mean...was she planned?
Me (flustered): look, your show on Netflix has loaded. Watch it
SD: okay!

SD has been fixated on questions like these since DD was born. She has told me she was angry that DH didn't tell her I was pregnant as soon as we found out, and she had the right to know. I chewed her out about that one, and told her that it was my decision and sometimes things can happen to the baby. She countered that her mom told her all about miscarriages.

I'm tired of hex utilizing SD as a proxy to know about our child. I'm just tired.


Monchichi's picture

I'm sorry you hear this type of talk from your SD. BM in my case told Chucky "It is wrong of Monchichi and fathers name to have a child out of marriage. I don't agree with it".

Both her sons were conceived out of wedlock. One was birthed out of wedlock. "Monchichi's daughters will never be your sisters. They are not married, so it's too late"

Some days you just have to ignore it and let it go.

WalkOnBy's picture

"Was DD an accident?"

"What a rude question to ask. Don't ask it again."

Lather, rinse, repeat.

"I am mad that you and dad didn't tell me you were having a baby."

"Unless YOU are the person who is pregnant, it has nothing to do with you."

Lather, rinse, repeat.

SecondGeneration's picture

Yeah I'd just be answering "Ofcourse DD was planned" then open the conversation up into all the different methods of contraceptive that exist to help make sure people dont have "accidents".

And if she was an accident? Thats between you and DH.

Shaman29's picture

I HATE, HATE the word accident when it comes to pregnancy.

I didn't slip and fall on your Dad's dick, therefore DD was not an accident.

stepinafrica's picture

Tell her that you planned DD and that you still plan to have many, many, many more children. Watch her eyes pop out.