Shocked!!!! SS16 waiting for DH to take the big dirt nap...
It infuriates me that SS16 is always asking what he is getting when his dad dies! He asked how much money he is getting. He has told DH he wants the Harley and the car! He sometimes looks around the house and says he wants different items. SS16 is a monster as far as I am concerned. I now like him less than I did in the first place. I dont mean to be a bitch, but give me a break! This kid never calls his father unless its for something he needs or money. DH doesnt think anything of it and tells me I am being dramatic. Am I??????
- tigerlilly00's blog
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Make sure you have a really
Make sure you have a really good will. I belong to a support group for young widows and there was a second wife on their that lost her house that she lived in to the MIL because she was only married a short time and they hadn't re-done their wills. House was in MIL and DH name. BM got the life Insurance because he hadn't changed the beneficiary. It was awful and she basically had nothing....
Trust me that kid will be a pain if something horrible does happen and your DH dies. THese entitled kids are unbelievable. We are re-doing our wills next month after taxes are done and I want to make sure SD14 gets less than the other kids after what she cost DH.
I would have to say that your
I would have to say that your SS is a bit distasteful - but unless he knows something about your hubby that you don'y like if your hubby is sick then I would not worry - I would however make damn sure you have a will and that you know what is in it -
Make sure if you own a home that it is -
If you own a house in joint tenancy with your spouse
and you die, the law says that your spouse gets the entire house (your half of your interest in
the home goes to your spouse). If, on the other hand, you owned an apartment in joint tenancy
with your son, then at your death the apartment would go to your son.
If you don't then your Skids can jump on the bandwagon and say that they get some of the house as well!! Our lawyer tried to do it so that if my hubby died then 1/2 of the house went to me and the other half was divided between me and SS - I had happened to just take a real estate course and he used the terms and I turned to him and said if you want to continue to be or lawyer then I would knock it the hell off - why in the name of God would my hubby and I not just give the house outright to each other - why would I give 1/4 of my house that I pay for - helped put down a down payment on - then turn around and have to sell or give SS 1/4 of what it is worth to keep it - my hubby was very angry at him as well and our lawyer said well if you die then what becomes of your son and we said he has a mother and it is called Social Security - we did end up firing him and getting another one he was way too much in favor of the BM and skids - made my skin crawl!!
But as far as what your SS is saying he is rude and I would just ignore him!!!
I thought SD15 asking about
I thought SD15 asking about us buying her a vehicle and her thinking she is automatically going to start driving at 16 was annoying but a question like that!?!
Entitled brats!
OMG, I know! So freaking
OMG, I know! So freaking entitled! I dont mean to sound old, but I came from divorce also and back then my dad only had to pay 20.00 a week for child support. I was lucky if I got a new pair of shoes once a year! Well, I am not going to tell you next how I had to walk 10 miles to school...uphill in the snow! HAHAHA
I have the same issue, but
I have the same issue, but not with my DH's kid. But with my youngest sister.
She's been writing her name on labels and putting them on my parents belongings for years. This is a grown woman and she behaves this badly. Makes me nuts!
I call that White Trash. Or
I call that White Trash. Or BM lol
My skids have been arguing
My skids have been arguing over what they each get when daddy dies. They were doing this long before I met him. When he wanted me to give up my apartment to live with him I said no, because if something happened to him I would be left homeless as his kids hate me. He finally had a will drawn up in 2009- I am the authorized representative for the estate. He never told his kids about the will as by law he is not required to. I think that his brother told the skids about the will. SD23 is always asking dh if he will leave her the Cobra-the last time she asked he told her that nobody under the age of 40 had any business behind the wheel of the car. A few months ago ss25 told his dad that as his son he felt that he was owed the following items when dad dies- All of dad's guns and all of his tools in our garage. And of course he thinks he should get the Cobra.
omg, i did not know what a
omg, i did not know what a big dirt nap was!!! hahahaha. i have an aunt like that, she is constantly waiting for my gma to die and it is soooooo hurtful.
tell the kid you're donating it to charity because you REALLy feel like kids from broken homes deserve support. bah ha ha!
i tease dh about that all the
i tease dh about that all the time, when my skids talk about their "inheritance" from dh which i am paying for i ask them what makes them think they are getting ANYTHING. ppl need to remember these days, aside of spouses, a person can give inheritance to ANYONE they choose, they are not REQUIRED to give inheritance to their kids at all.