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Ugggggh FML

TickedOff's picture

Heater won't work. SD18 was on the phone last night all night giggling loud as hell. DH didn't let me fall asleep first because he wanted to talk so after he finnaly fell asleep I had to listen to him snoring. DD had an asthma edpisode so I let her sleep with me and she kiccked and coughed all night. So no sleep for me. The UPS man came this morning with a pacakge for DH and I after signing for it and closing the door I realized I was only wearing a shirt my house shoes and oh yeah a thong ! He might not have noticed sense he didn't say anything. Just as I was about to enjoy my peace in quite DD's school called saying she threw up in class. DH called to ask me to drive his lunch by work because he forgot. Ugggggggggh.


attempting_to_maintain_composure's picture

Man, I'd say lock yourself in your room and sleep the day away, but, if DD came home sick, maybe wait until DH comes home so you can have some peace and quiet.

attempting_to_maintain_composure's picture

I've slept on the couch before because of FDH's snoring haha. He woke up the next day and thought I was mad at him. "Nope, just couldn't sleep next to a chainsaw."