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O.T how to tell DH he needs to lose weight for my health and his

TickedOff's picture

I am in pain I feel like crap. My neck, chest and stomach hurt. Every time I breath in and expand my chest its painful. I am in pain because I made love to my husband. When he was on top of me I could not breath and he was crushing me while he was humping me. He thought I was joking when I told him and kept going I had to shove him for him to get up. I told him to stop because I was in pain but I didn't tell him it was because of him. He has put on a lot of weight. I'm not going to air his business online but he is a hefty man. I usually try to stay on top but he kept saying no no he wants to be on top. He has been putting on a lot of weight. I love this man with all of me and I don't want to hurt him and no matter how tough he acts he is a sensitive puppy inside. So how do I tell him without hurting his feelings?


JustAgirl42's picture

I wish I knew what to tell you, but I'm in the same position (not literally Wink ).

My FDH isn't too overweight, but his diet is horrible...practically no fruits / veges. and mainly carbs. and sweets. His cholesterol is on the higher end.

I just told him that I wish he would take better care of himself for my and his daughter's sake, and obviously his own.

Maybe something like, "Honey, I've noticed that you've gained some weight and it doesn't bother me at all, I just want to make sure you're healthy." ?

-or- tell him that you would like an exercise partner?

thebrokenrecordmachine's picture

Heres an idea, w/o actually admitting to him that hes overweight- "Hey how about we get healthier this year, I want to feel healthier and eat healthier" much emphasis on "Healthier"....

StepKat's picture

I actually read this to my husband and he has some advice. Most men want the direct approach and told they need to lose weight. He had another idea that I think is really good. Tell your DH that you want him to lose weight so he can live longer and be with you longer. Being over weight shorten's life expectancy and because you love him with all your heart you want him around with you as long as possible. This is an easy way to break it to him that you want him to lose weight while showing how much you love him.

TickedOff's picture

stepkat tell your husband we said thanks. I sat him down and told him straight up from my heart that I love him and I want him in my life for the long hall and I just want him to get healthier. We can do it together I'm not the world's thinnest model I'm small with thighs and and a butt that could feed a country. I told him I think he is the sexiest most amazing man alive. He took it well. Wiped my eyes and told me he knows he put on some weight and we can get some gym memberships and work it out as a team. High five baby! Team Mr. and Mrs DH gonna kill these extra pounds! Biggrin

Starla's picture

Great suggestions above! If your not doing so already, try doing it in different places. In a car, you would have to be on top since he is bigger. On things so he has to stand like on the car, a counter, the washer, or wherever is comfortable. I think its important to be honest with your partner and you both can make goals together. Besides he would feel awful if he knew that this is causing you pain and that is a great reason to set goals and be creative together. My DH has told me that guys would rather hear the truth and don't go on and on about it. Hope this helps. Smile