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TickedOff's picture

My God son has been stationed over seas for the past 18 months. He is a proud member of our US NAVY. I love this kid with every ounce of my being. I met him and his mom when he was 8 and I became like second mom to him and his mom is my heart to soul sister. His dad was never in his life so when I married DH he looked up to him for guidance and followed in his footsteps. A few hours ago I was at work and my boss told me someone wanted to see me I was kind of annoyed because I was suppose to be getting off. I walked to the front as usual and asked how I could help him. I had to do a double take he doesn't even look the same he is such a young man now. After we left my job he went to surprise DH who was outside playing with the dogs He looked up and ran to give him a bear hug. I actually saw my DH cry without shame. He wanted to see if DD6 remembered him so I called DD and SD15 down for dinner and they both ran to him my DD was calling him by name so I know it touched him knowing she remembered him.

I can't believe my best friend let me get surprised like that tears and smudged mascara all over my face at work. Just wanted to share and give you guys some of my warm and fuzzies. If anyone else has any coming home stories to share please feel free. I appreciate every man and woman in every branch of our military who are apart of the forces that keep this country safe and free and I also thank their families for staying strong and holding things down at home when duty calls and they answer. I gotta go wash my face again goodness lol and get ready to treat him to dinner. Any comment I receive will be shared with him and printed out to be put in a scrap book so that he can feel love and support even when he is away.


MarriedaBallessWonder's picture

Beautiful story. It made me well up with tears.

What a wonderful Veteran's Day surprise.

p/s: My youngest daughter served 4 years in the Navy. She is now in the Reserves. It is a very noble profession.

To your God son.


LaLaLaaa's picture

Aaaaaw! What a Wonderfull surprise! I got tears in my eyes reading it! Welcome Home!!!

just.his.wife's picture

Welcome home young man!

Thanks for your service, trust that it IS greatly appreciated!!

PS: Also thank you for surprising Ticked in such a lovely way. Its good to see her leak a few happy tears!!