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What rent is appropriate for 39 yr old Grown Skid?

thinkthrice's picture

Thank Heavens this doesn't apply to me, but, what do you think?

A prospective tenant lives next door to the duplex we are rehabbing.  Here are the statistics:

39 yr old single BM with two kids 17 and 2 

Moved into her BM and stepdad's house at the beginning of covid due to her landlord is "selling the place." (TM)

Is supposedly a tax preparer as a professiona and does a side gig selling crafts on FB

Is paying $300 a month to her BM and stepdad supposedly as rent.

To me this seems LOW. Wondering if she is chipping in for food, utilities, etc. etc.?  

I really smell a lot of red flags here as her stepdad is REALLY in an all fired hurry to jetison her and her progeny.

I have seen her and she has RBF big time.  She has never come over since last April when we started all the rehab work (place was in a fire and abandoned for 10 yrs)

I don't like it when parents (or stepparents) inquire on behalf of their kids/stepkids for apartments.  Very redflagesque.



TheAccidentalSM's picture

Nope.  Red flags all over this one.  Grown 39 mother should be sourcing her own place not depending on SP or Bio to do it for her.  Don't drop your rental vetting standards.

JRI's picture

I'm laughing because this is exactly what I, as SP to crazy bipolar SD60,  would do in a heartbeat, if I could, jettison her to anybody!  Ha ha.  

JRI's picture

If my SD60 is any example, I can almost guarantee that the rent issue is the least of the issues.

caninelover's picture

Is appropriate would be zero since a 39 year old should not be living with parents!

Big red flags.  Avoid renting to this trainwreck.

ESMOD's picture

A lot depends on the relative financial position of the SKID and the parents/stepparents (I am  assuming when you are referring to what is appropriate rent.. you are talking about what THEY charged her.. because what you charge for rent.. is what you charge.. doesn't matter "who" she is".  If the parent/stepparents are fairly well off and don't "need" the rent.. I think a token amount (which I would consider 300 to be) to defray a little bit of the utility/wear and tear cost is ok.. if they are doing this to get her and her kids back on a stronger financial path.  Not sure if she gets support for her if she has an EX not paying CS.. I can see her mom trying to help her make up some difference.

BUT.. just because her SD wants her out.. doesn't mean she is necessarily a horrible person really.. I mean.. In the BEST of circumstances.. lumping an adult and two kids into the mix has to be overwhelming.. just on that basis.. no matter how well behaved that they might be.  It is more concerning that you are getting an inquiry from one of them vs the woman who would be renting the home.. that kind of shows that she is not very self reliant/responsible.. and THAT would be a big red flag.

I think I would go through the application process if SHE directly fills it all out for you.. but I would not reduce my standards and I might even hope that you had another more qualified applicant come forward so you could select the other person.  

It seems on many facets that she wouldn't be an ideal renter.. I would probably only accept her application if she personally provides it and you can interview her directly.  I would probably not count her "craft" income towards her income unless she can show it on her taxes for at least 2 years... 

JRI's picture

The parents are subsidizing her for altruistic reasons.  She isnt capable of applying for her own place nor paying market rent.  Make your decision based on those facts.

Exjuliemccoy's picture

That depends on whether they're normal or a leach. $300 wouldn't get even a bedroom where I live.

thinkthrice's picture

If she were truly saving to get another apt/home purchase by staying at the BM and stepdaddio's place she *should* have a whopping bank account by now over the past two years.

ESMOD's picture

You would assume so.. but she could have also started out with a pile of debt that she has since paid down.. .and only have a modest amount of savings.

but,,,,, it sounds like this person isn't a strong candidate since she, herself, is not doing anything to apply.

oneoffour's picture

My daughter and our 2 grandchildren live with us. Her husband walked out and dragged her through court for nothing but to prove he can. So divorced, 2 kids, 2 baby daddies (#1 does not pay CS & #2 pays when he can), her Dad took his own life 2 yrs ago, nervous breakdown. However my daughter is in nursing school and just completed her LPN and working on her RN. So being in school and succeeding is the goal. G/kids are fine. But this time next year she is out and she knows it. She better pass those exams! Plus she is working 12 hr shifts at her job in a trauma center. My husband (her SF) cannot wait for that day. 

So I would expect the potential applicant to apply like everyone else. See what her work history is about. Regular employment or seasonal? Is she in school to better herself? How does she present herself. Does she own/drive a car? What condition is that in?  Basically what you would expect from anyone else. 

thinkthrice's picture

By 34 I had purchased my 2nd home and was renting out the first one.  I was a true single parent with two kids (no CS, no main squeeze funding the operation) worked two jobs,   I would never have DREAMED of moving back in with my parents!  There were plenty of times I was on the edge of homelessness as well.   My first husband walked out and my second was an alcoholic who hid it VERY well during courtship.  Both went on welfare after separating from me.  Shows who was pulling the cart. I had plenty of legal battles in particular with the 1st ex.

My parents literally moved 500+ miles away because they ASSUMED I would be using them as a built in babysitter.  Yeah right.  That is something my SISTER would do as she was the enabled golden child, not me.  I guess I am just too prideful even if my parents did offer, which they would NEVER do.



ndc's picture

This could be a total disaster, or it could be no big deal. If I were to move in with my parents, they would charge no rent. They're wealthy and are trying to get money out of their estate for tax purposes, not add to it by taking $$ from me. I'd do housework, run errands and cook to contribute to the household, but no financial contribution would be accepted even if I wanted to pay them.

As for the craft business, it depends what the craft is.  If she's making greeting cards or custom shirts, probably not an issue.  If she's making epoxied tumblers, there may be some mess or odors. 

Can you get a reference from the prior landlord? At least she was living with her parents rather than using covid protections to not pay rent at all.