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Visited My Old Neighbor Lady Last Weekend. . .and

thinkthrice's picture

she lost her husband 8 years ago, is NOT dating and is as HAPPY AS A CLAM LIVING THE SINGLE LIFE!!

She's in her eighties and looks as spry as ever. I haven't seen her as well for almost eight years.

She can't remember Chef Boyardumb (LOL) that did allllllll the work on my old house so I could sell that wonderful house and move to the dump I'm now at to be "closer to his kids." (TM)--which backfired TREMENDOUSLY!

It was good to reminisce about the good years before Chef darkened my doorstep.

She looks like she's in her early sixties, tops!!!

What living WITHOUT a man can do for your skin!!! Wink Biggrin


zerostepdrama's picture

Sadly this is how it was with my grandparents.

My mom said once Grandpa passed, Grandma became nicer, started going out dancing with her friends. Grandma even ended up with a BF for 20+ years! She passed away in May Sad She lived on her own until she broke her hip at age 85.

It was a joke when I was in college and would be home for a visit and she would drive by my mom's on her way home from playing cards with friends and honk and it would be like midnight and we would be sleeping! Like HELLO Granny stays up later then a college girl does!

thinkthrice's picture

I knew one family when I was young. The family was German. She looked a LOT like "Edith Bunker" (under 50's may need to google)

And her husband was a typical Archie Bunker. She waited on him hand and foot just like Edith. He was very sexist and clearly favoured his two boys. His daughter, not so much. The boys weren't required to do "women's work." Just his wife and daughter. They were all very intelligent. But he DID have the foresight to tell his daughter to get into engineering as he himself was an engineer.

On the premise that you never know when you might need to support yourself. This was in the 70's when divorce was on the climb and before draconian CS laws--when a divorced woman truly had no help and had to fend for herself.

When her husband died, she looked AMAZING! Happy and peppy like nobody's business. She always looked downtrodden when with her husband. She had this nervous laugh--it was the only way she was "allowed" to express her opinion in front of her husband.

I'm sure she was NOT a grieving widow.

Then there was a neighbour back when I was a child. Her husband died suddenly of a massive heart attack. She turned into a health nut and was always on the go as happy as could be. My mother (who was eternally depressed) just could not understand how she could be so happy with the "breadwinner" gone.