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Spin Off on Sailor Girl's "What Do Your Skids Want To Be When They Grow Up"

thinkthrice's picture

What do the BIOPARENTS THINK their skids will be when they grow up?

Ok from the book of Vicarious 4:16

Chef wanted his sons to be either in the NFL or MLB stars. . .problem is, at age almost 7, YSS couldn't even catch a ball softly lobbed underhanded to him from about 3 feet away. He kept closing his eyes when the baseball gently floated his way. Dropped it, no lie, about 17 times before I walked away out of fear of screaming with laughter. Uh oh, my schadenfreude is showing.

OSS was going to be a "football star" (TM) except he quit right in the middle of the last (losing) game with a pseudo "shoulder injury" just to get out of it. He then quit football and never signed back up again.

To this day I hear about how Chef "taught OSS to bat left and right" :barf: :barf:


Accordn2L's picture

I asked former SD8 one time and she looked straight in my face and said, IDK, I guess just have some kids...

Well there you go, you will be just like your mother, wonder how many baby daddies will be involved!

Teas83's picture

DH has all these grand plans for, lawyer, teacher, accountant, etc. I'm a CA and he has said that SD could surely become one too. better start teaching her some rules and discipline then, and show her that you have to work hard at something if you really want it. At the rate she's going, she'll end up like BM and GBM for sure.

I don't know what BM thinks SD is going to be. She and the rest of her family members are not very good examples to follow.

weekendwidow's picture

SD22 is in college - covered in ink and piercings majoring in English because she wants to be a teacher and a novelist. Her husband (puke) is a musician in his own garage band. He's 37 (don't get me started on this) and works part time for his daddy's contracting business. Oh and he's an artist. SD22 is a guitarist in his band. SHe's on to great things.

SS17 want to be a musician - he's flunking out of high school and will never get into college. Currently, he's a dishwasher at a crappy diner making $8/hr and spending it all on pot. I imagine, he'll be doing that for a loooong time.

weekendwidow's picture

OMG :jawdrop: I fear that is what they are both turning into. SD is well on her way as is her husband(ack)...I'm waiting for SS to save enough money to start the process - provided he stops spending it all on weed.

My kids, don't do this. My DH is a professional, as am I...BM is a dropout, who has a different guy in her house every other month----oh, I just figured it out. Wink

LaMareOssa's picture

SD12 wants to be on "The Voice" when she grows up and do a duet with Adam Levine. She also thinks she'll go to play in the MLS too. SD12 doesn't have a nice singing voice IMO. And she hasn't played soccer since she was 7 or 8. She also thinks that because she owns a guitar and has been to maybe 3 guitar lessons that she is the next Taylor Swift. SD12 doesn't even practice her guitar and can't play it. SD12 is just one of those people who think that everything comes naturally and practice isn't necessary. She thinks singing, playing sports, playing instruments and even education all comes naturally without any practice needed.

Mercury's picture

DH doesn't have these types of talks with the skids. He wants them to grow up and "be happy". Yeah, whatever. That's so frickin sweet DH but let's get real. They need to have SOME aspirations. He and I differ on this one. I don't think the choice means anything at this age (11stb12 and 13) but that just the intellectual exercise of thinking about the future means a hell of a lot. It's not what they want to be that matters, it's how they think about their future that matters to me. They need to get into the practice of taking ownership of their lives, even if it is just in the form of these premature "what do I want to be when I grow up" conversations. I think that not having any big dreams at this age is a startling indicator that they might be the type of skids who fail to launch.

I might have to start some of these conversations. For purely selfish reasons, of course.

DaizyDuke's picture

I DO have to give DH credit in ONE far as skids and their futures? He is a realist. He has been trying to get SD16 to go into the military, because that is really the only hope for her. She needs structure, and someone to stand over her to get her to do anything...She won't do it though.. it would require too much effort.

DH also thinks that SS15 only hope is the military, but that will never happen either. His police record (which he will be guaranteed to have(if he doesn't already) by the time he graduates, IF he graduates will most definitely prevent that.

GhostWhoCooksDinner's picture

BM isn't going to allow her sons to ever leave her, so I guess she thinks they'll be living in her "tenant unit" forever. So I guess she thinks they're going to be losers.

Drac0's picture

DW thinks tall boy is destined to be a

wait for it....


An educator!

(Teacher, daycare worker, tutor, etc.)

Yes you read that right. DW thinks that her precious walking Q-tip who thinks the sun rises in the south is destined to teach OTHER children....

I shudder if this would happen...In the same way that I am shuddering that Ebola has touched down on this continent.

Accordn2L's picture

DW also thinks D's on his progress report are an improvement. Wonder how she thinks he's going to get into college with those grades and become an educator? LOL

Drac0's picture

In the few spaces of time when he knows he'll get in trouble for playing on his iPad but he doesn't want to tackle his homework, he'll "play" with BS and BD. DW sees this and her heart goes all a flutter and says "See? He's so good with children!"

Tuff Noogies's picture

BWWWAHAHA draco, ahem, but you never know. she *could* be right, i mean he IS tall!

hereiam's picture

Well, let's see. BM is content for her daughter to sit her ass on welfare and secretly hope Prince Charming will come along and take care of her.

DH knows that SD23 is not career bound but he thinks she can do anything if she puts her mind to it (he's so sweet). He keeps telling her to apply at CVS. :?

Tuff Noogies's picture

dumbass doesnt give a shit either way. dh has no idea what kids may grow up to be. mss definitely has academic potential if he could curtail his growing lazyiness. the other two? well like melody's dh, he just wants them to graduate w/o becoming baby-daddies.