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O/T (sort of) Codeine Cough Syrup Gives You Nightmares

thinkthrice's picture

Have been fighting the latest cold/flu/sinus infection going around. Took some cough syrup with codeine (that benzonate stuff doesn't work for me).

Dreamed last night that SD 18 came back for a visit and to stay with us!!!

I think I sat up bolt upright after that one!!!

Now I'm torn between cough relief and horrific nightmares!!! Lol


AJanie's picture

That stuff is no joke. When I was 21 I had a few cocktails and then came home, felt a cold coming on strong and took some of that, which was leftover from a bout of bronchitis. Not smart, not smart at all. I immediately passed out fully clothed, and woke up a good 14 hours later with my phone laying on my chest... with no idea what had happened.

As scary as that was, it still beats dreaming of a skid coming stay with us on any kind of full time basis. Blum 3

Acratopotes's picture

Trice - you sure it was a dream, and not DH taking the opportunity to whisper it in your ear... cause it's going to be reality }:)

thinkthrice's picture

Possibly, but all three are still completely enmeshed to the mothership.

I had to laugh that SD posted on FB about the Girhippo: "you pushed me to achieve all my goals"

Goals being defined as:

1. eating a constant diet of junk food
2. sleeping
3. 24/7 entertainment
4. never hearing the word "no"