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O/T Pet Grooming--Specifically of the Feline Nature

thinkthrice's picture

So tomorrow my two cats are scheduled for a full court press groom.

It will be my older medium haired Siamese mix cat's first Lion cut.

My Bombay who is shorter haired will be getting the regular shampoo, nail clip, ear clean and teeth brush.

Anyone have any experience with this? Will I have to guard my older cat against sunburn? Will my younger Bombay recognize her or think she's a foreign cat?

They both go outdoors when supervised (by me of course; Chef couldn't even supervise his own spawn)


Shaman29's picture

H brought a cat into our relationship (yes...I have a step-cat) that is half Maine Coon - half demon.

She is horrible about grooming herself and after cutting dreads out of her hair for a few years I finally had enough. We took her to a groomer and she's been in Lion Cut city ever since.

When we lived on the mainland, she only went outside at night. I always assumed it was because she was spawned from the dark lord and sunlight would turn her to ash.

After moving to HI and being kicked outside permanently (she was crapping in the house in protest after discovering we were giving extra food to my elderly cat in his last stages of his life), she seemed to enjoy the outdoors and the sun. She lays on our lanai and soaks it up.

We've let her grow out her fur and for some reason she hasn't had any issues with dreads or matted fur.

Sunburn?? She'd lay in the sun for a while, then would move to shady spot under our banana tree or under the lanai. I think they instinctively know to cover up, so to speak.