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Emancipation Before 21 in NYS

thinkthrice's picture

SD (18) is following her elder brother's footsteps in so far as baaaaaaarely scraping by for her senior year of HS. She'll most likely have to go to summer school again (a 12 year unbroken streak) in order to graduate; but maybe not....they may just pity pass her and give her a what would be a D- or 1.0 GPA.

Now that state college tuition is "free" and I suspect the Girhippo has quit her CPS job (not yet confirmed) to fall under the income guidelines, I wonder if SD will stick it out and go to school. She absolutely DESPISES school. She has always just ditched any assignment she didn't feel like doing and the Girhippo has always been ok with this.

There's not a likelihood of her moving out of the Gir's even though I believe that StepDaddyBigBucks is praying she'll move out. She is extremely enmeshed with the Gir. She has run through about 7 part time jobs in a matter of months.

Not sure if she'll get a full time job at the local casino like her brother. I was reading over the MOA that was attached to the divorce decree that reads as follows:

Emancipation Event:

1. reaching 21 or the completion of 4 years of college during the years IMMEDIATELY following the child's graduation from HS, unless interrupted for a "good cause" (editor's note: yeah the Girhippo will definitely fish for a "good cause"), whichever shall come LAST.

2. marriage

3. permanent residence away from either parent (not including boarding school, camp, college)

4. entry into the armed forces--should child be discharged before 21, then another emancipation event would need to take place to fully emancipate

5. engaging in full time employment after attaining the age of 18 (not including part time employment)

6. emancipation event shall be deemed deferred beyond the 21st bday if the child pursues undergraduate college education with reasonable diligence and on a normally continuous basis, unless interrupted by good cause. (editor's note: slim to none chance of SD going to undergraduate school)

Soooo if SD18 wants to "take a year off" before going to community college this fall, is that "good cause" to continue CS to 21?


ChiefGrownup's picture

"4. entry into the armed forces--should child be discharged before 21, then another emancipation event would need to take place to fully emancipate"

What is wrong with New York State?! Old enough to shoot guns at people and roll tanks over villages but not old enough get a damn civilian job? Unbelievable!

ChiefGrownup's picture

In our state it's 18/19 and/or high school graduation. You know, 18 if you've graduated. 19 if you're still in high school.

But I'm sure you're right, plenty of states are probably similar to NY. It's insane!

thinkthrice's picture

" guys are screwed!"

You're telling me. SD18 is the middle child. Chef has 7 more years to go until the youngest turns 21.

ntm's picture

Not going to college doesn't emancipate her if she's still living with the CP and not working full time. Just count on it being another three years. We're down under two now.

thinkthrice's picture

They say it's based on grades as well--until the first ACLU discrimination suit hits them. If truly based on grades than SD18 doesn't have a snowflake's chance (in HELL).

Acratopotes's picture

taking a year off is not a good cause IMO.......

I will fight this with all I have...