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SS22 has 2 weeks to get his crap out of my house or it's gone!! Updated.

TheWickedStepmom's picture

So, I am at work and my mother calls me. SS22 has called her and told her that he is having a friend of his "stop by" to go up to "his room" and get his game system. Mom calls me because she doesn't want this kid coming in the house when no one but her is home, but she never wants to tell anyone no so she makes me tell her to tell them no and then she can blame it on me and no one ever gets mad at her. (nice that I am her scape goat, right? LOL) But anyway, so I ask her, "Why can he not come get it himself?" She said that he told her he didn't have enough gas. I said, "Oh, well sucks for him then. NO... when he has gas he can come and get ALL of his stuff. When the friend shows up, tell him that I won't let you let him in because no one else is home and just leave it at that." She says ok, she's happy. Great.

10 minutes later she calle me again. She called SS22 and told him that his friend was not going to be allowed to come in the house. She said that SS22 went off and said, "What is wrong with your f***ing daughter's head? This is bullshit!!" I said, "oh, that's nice Mom... you could have at least said, hey I don't want him here either... but whatever. Tell dh about what ss22 had to say when he gets home." She said ok.

So I text dh and I tell him the above story but instead of telling him about the kind words ss22 had to say about me to my mother, I tell him to ASK my mother when he gets home from work about what his lovely son had to say about me today.

An hour after dh got home I get this text from dh.
"OMG... don't know what's wrong with his head! Sry baby. Will have to get a hold of him and have him get his stuff out so there is no more of this kind of shit! Love you!"

Anyone who read my blogs about wanting SS's crap out of my house... remember how DH said that SS22 didn't have anywhere to put his stuff??? WOW... amazing how that tune changed when SS22 popped off his disrespect to my mother, huh?

I sent dh a text back and said:
"Um apparently I am the one with something wrong with my head... he needs to get his shit out because now that he's been an ass, he's got 2 weeks and I donate and sell what is usable and toss what's not. I am DONE with this disrespectful bullshit!!"

So now let's see where this goes.

Update: DH apparently tried to call SS22 and of course ss did not answer. He never does, but daddy still pays for his cell phone month after month so that "dh can get a hold of ss"... or so he says. Well, instead of trying to call again or texting him and telling him to call, dh just kept saying, "I will try to call him later." I said, "You know, apparently this is just too much for you to handle. I will deal with it my damn self."

So I sent ss22 a text message. I told him since he has no consideration for my mother and the fact she was here alone and that no one needs to be rummaging through our house looking for his shit (oh yes, I found out that he wanted this friend to not only go in "HIS room", but he also wanted him to go into my ds17 room to get something else), he has 2 weeks to come and get ALL of his shit out of this house or else I will be dealing with it myself. I also went on to tell him if he has a problem with me he needs to say it to my face. After I sent it, I told DH that I sent the message and told ss he has 2 weeks and if he doesn't get the crap out of here by then, neither one of them are going to like what I do with his shit! I am SICK of all of this bullshit (yes I said that to dh). SS did not respond, nor did dh.

I will be spending a part of this weekend packing shit up. I had purchased a crib and changing table back when he was pretending that he was going to be a father to his child. I plan to take everything out of that and sell the set since he has no plans to be a father any time soon because he's too busy pretending he's 16. His shit will get piled up on his bed where he can find whatever he needs to to pack the shit out of here.

I am SICK of these sk's today I REALLY, REALLY am.


Rags's picture

Intimidating a senior family member! :jawdrop: Classy guy.

Boot his ass out ..... of the family. He only earns his way back with performance, politeness and contrition.

IMHO of course.

TheWickedStepmom's picture

Yeah... I still think it's pretty funny that dh is more mad at him for the way he talked to my mother then for what he said about me or how he's treated our whole family the last couple of years. DH and BM never taught him about respecting ANY adult. He is especially disrespectful to women of any age. Which he and I have argued about more than once. But it REALLY pissed me off the way he talked to my mother. Even if the comments weren't directed at her, she can't stand the F bomb... she is very offended by that and he knows it. It's just par for the course with him.

Rags's picture

Being disrespectful to any woman in a family is unacceptable. Being a foul mouthed asshole to a grandmother or even a grandfather is way beyond tolerable.

I would love to see anyone in my family give my mother lip. If they survived the wilting glare and getting their teeth knocked out by my 5'2" 65yr old mom they for sure would not survive the beating that my 5'11' 68YR old 35 mile a week runner, 3 day a week weight lifting former Marine father would lay waste to their body with for being disrespectful or threatening my mom.

I am 46 years old and have no problem debating of disagreeing with my mom. But when discussions get heated I know when to say "Yes Ma'am" shut my mouth and be quiet. She is after all .... my mom.

My grandmothers were never spoken to with anything but respect.

Your DH needs to take his idiot spawn of no character to the wood shed and give him the choice of gaining instant character or getting his ass kicked. And kicked again if he ever makes the mistake of speaking to your DHs wife with anything but respect. The same applies to his MIL the Skids BM and any other woman in the family.

Behavior of the women not withstanding of course.

Best regards,

TheWickedStepmom's picture

Oh dh kept saying he was going to call him and have him come get it this weekend... well, of course he never picked up the phone again so I saw where that was going. DH is completely spineless when it comes to those 2. But my kids, including our dd together, he will bitch and moan at them for every little freakin' thing they do. It pisses me off. I listened to him gripe at them so much tonight that I finally said, "Will you just SHUT UP?" and I told the girls to just be quiet and stop so he would stop. I am sick today and feeling like crap and certainly not up for his BS.

Even though I do want his crap out of here, I do try not to be a complete and total bitch. Since he didn't have gas today (and he has no job) I think 2 weeks should be ample time for him to get some money somehow and get his crap out of here. I don't want to stoop to his level, I just want him to accept responsibility for himself in some damn way. Like I said, in 2 weeks, if the crap isn't gone... he and dh will both NOT like it when I post it on Craigslist to sell it or donate it to charity or toss it in the trash. I might as well make a couple bucks off this crap if I can to make up for all the electric and water he jacked up while he was here.

burnet's picture

I think I would put it out on the front curb and text him to come and get it before the garbage collector shows up...