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Is it possible that SD20 may be coming around a LITTLE bit?

TheWickedStepmom's picture

I woke up this morning with a text on my phone from sd20 that said, "Are you awake?" that was sent at 11:40 last night. Now she KNOWS I work... she KNOWS I go to bed early. So I decided to show her out if feels. I know she stays up late and sleeps in late. So at 5:40AM I send her a text that says, "I am now." }:)

I finally get a response from her around 9am.
SD: "Just wondering if you wanted me to drop "baby" off for an hour or so."
Me: "I would love to see him and i know the girls would too, but I don't want it to turn into a 'what you have done for me' thing or be something you can use to hold over my head later."
DS: "Well, I asked you so I won't. I am just going to be in town tonight for awhile so I figured I'd ask."
Me: "It would be very nice to see him so that would be great."
SD: "Kay ill prolly drop him off a few before you get home. And get him at about 7."
Me: "Ok. I'll let dad know. Thanks."
SD: "Your welcome."

Is it possible that she is getting her head out of her ass enough to at least acknowledge the fact that her child should have some contact with her family even if she is a raging bitch all the time? I still feel like this will somehow get thrown up in MY face at some point in time somewhere down the road, but guys... whether he is biologically my grandchild or not, I still love this little guy and I have missed him so much this last month. I REALLY want to see him. She knows she is not welcome in my house and that isn't going to change. She will likely send her fiance in with the baby and to pick him up so I won't have to deal with her.

But at the same time it feels like a tease. An hour. An hour to share little man between me, my dd10, dd13, and of course "gramps". This is what I figure. She probably has some BS errand to run that she doesn't want to deal with him while she's doing it. But whatever the reason... at least we get to see him. That's more than I thought I'd have again.


TheWickedStepmom's picture

Oh yeah... well, you see that I was already cautious by telling her I didn't want to see him if it was just going to be something she could hold over my head later. If she winds up using her son as a pawn and my relationship with his as bait then she is a lot sicker than I gave her credit for.

TheWickedStepmom's picture

Well, she actually lives "in town". I live in a different, much SMALLER town 20 minutes from her. All of her friends live out by us. It's funny because I know my dh is going to be saying, "See, now SHE is TRYING... BLAH BLAH BLAH... so you should try, too." And I will be going, "yeah, trying to find some other BS to hold over my head when it suits her about how 'KIND' she is, or trying to find a babysitter for whatever...". LOL No thanks... I'll stay disengaged. At least I'll get to see baby about once a month this way and she can stay the hell out of my house and my life!! Best of both worlds!! ROFL

But if I really stop and think about it, and be "FAIR" about it, she has never had us "babysit" him before when she's ever come out to see her friends. Usually she comes to see us too, but now she knows she's not welcome in my house right now. So while I would like to THINK she is doing something to be nice, I am also very skeptical myself and only time will tell her real motivation.

I find this to be quite odd after her FB post just 2 days ago about her MOTY BM (see previous blog). She is "friends" with several of my friends on fb and they all saw her little comment and 1 of them even asked me what the hell she was thinking!! LOL Maybe when she posted that and she got to thinking about what kind of mother she really has, well... just maybe it made her really think.

More of that false hope I'm sure, but hey... at least I get to see little man and I don't have to deal with SD's BS to do it!! Smile