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Gift Giving Ettiquette Part Deux

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Pitcture this scene:

Its Christmas morning. Two 3yr olds and an 8yr old are still clad in jammies opening what few presents their parents could buy. There is a ring of the doorbell. "It's Santa!" screams one of the wee boys in delight. The door is opened and there stands a jolly red elf bearing two garbage bags full of gift-wrapped presents -- all with only one name on them. Imagine the dissappointment the other 3yr old felt. Now imagine the grief 'Santa' went through.

Gift Giving Ettiquette and the Blended Family

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"If you haven't enough for everyone then don't offer at all."
~ everyone's mother has said this at some time or another

This is part of the manners I was brought up with. Every kid got a valentine from me whether I liked them or not. Once I was too old to have the entire class over for a birthday party, I was under strict instructions not to hand my invites out at school or in front of other kids. It was a matter of practicing common sense.