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TattooQT's Blog

It's Friday...again

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I was dreading today but I got a reprieve. The step monster isn't coming over until tomorrow...whew. We had our talk and all but the terrotorial crap is still taking place. I am trying to be calm and remember Rome wasn't built in a day so my skid won't be reconditioned to behave better in a single day either...right?

Happy Friday!

The Big Talk

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Well the big talk happened on Friday. SD15 was pretty honest and open. She said that she has come to realize that she takes out her anger at her parents on the step parents. She said it has become so common for her to do it that she doesn't even realize she is doing it until it happens. She wants to stop but she is so mad with her mother over coming home one day about a year after the divorce and telling SD that she was pregnant and she was getting married.

Relationships with Skids

TattooQT's picture

So would most of you describe your relationship with your stepkids as good? I am asking because mine sucks. The sad thing is it that the skid and I could have a great relationship but she won't allow it. She is just mean and hurtful simply for the sake of being hurtful. I know that when most people behave like this it is because they are lashing out as a result of their own pain. It is really hard to be sympathetic to that when you are the one on the receiving end of it...ya know?