Car finally squared away but always drama on the homefront....
So...everything has been squared away with my car but...of course there is always some kind of drama. BM texted DH Friday night telling him that her mother was coming down the first week in May and that since she gave up her time last year for spring break so his mother could spend time with the skids it was only fair for him to give up his weekend. This woman is only nice and does things for people to benefit herself. I told DH I am staying out of this one because it really doesn't affect me.
We also filed our taxes this weekend and somehow DH "forgot" to tell me that when he filed his taxes jointly with BM they got some tax credit for first time home buyers and BM did some installment payment plan to the IRS however she stopped paying on it so it pops up on whoever files their taxes first so since BM hasn't filed her taxes yet so we ended up owing that money and they took it from my tax return since DH makes too money and owed taxes.
I loathe this hooker's existence and I am pissed at DH for not telling me about this crap if I would've known this before I would've filed my taxes separately.
- tankh21's blog
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I personally, would want him
I personally, would want him to pay me back. That's messed up and with the recent headgames he's been playing I would advise that you file sepeartely all future years as well.
How did you all settle on the
How did you all settle on the car? Unless he paid that cash he had to buy you a new car, I'd be demanding my portion of that money ASAP. Not there anymore? Make a payment plan with him to pay you back.
Seriously, how many more times does he have to screw you over before you realize he doesn't care about YOU, only what you can do for HIM?
He didn't get his way on the
He didn't get his way on the car. I am not budging on that so and dropped it altogether. I told him that I am not filing my taxes with him anymore and that I am taking money from the savings to compensate for the money they took on my return.
Injured Spouse
Check into filing an injured spouse claim with the IRS. Under some circumstances, you can't be held responsible for "his" IRS debt.
Definitely look into this.
Definitely look into this.
If for some reason you can't go this route he needs to repay you for covering his tax bill.
I would go the route of filing separately in the future unless/until you are sure all of his tax liability issues are resolved.
Also, if he owed (and it wasn't due to some one off/one time situation) he needs to adjust his withholdings to more closely align with his liabilities.
You can claim innocent spouse
You can claim innocent spouse.
It may be more complicated
It may be more complicated now.. BUT.. why can't you both file amended returns for this year as married filing separately. Honestly, I think I would have balked at seeiing that amount hit my refund when he wasn't owed one on his own behalf. It sounds like you not only paid more taxes to cover what he owed.. you also paid the BM money. It would have been easier to file separately to begin with.. but it might be worth it to see if you can go back and redo your filing.
Personally, with his track record, I wouldn't hold my breath on him repaying you.
Re the BM and her request.. if I were you I would suggest he allow it for a couple of reasons.
1. Gets you out of some SKid time.. win for you. (this is really the only reason you should
2. If he truly did get her to cooperate last year.. it would be equitable for him to do it this year..(though I know she tends to only see this stuff onesided). In any case, if he says "no" she will likely not ever accomodate him (like last year's request).
Which is why I stayed out of
Which is why I stayed out of it and didn't say anything because it's his time and his decision. I would probably get the you don't like my kids here speech again if I told him to just let her have them for the weekend so they could spend time with their grandmother so I decided just not to say anything at all and walk off. I think I am finally learning
Losing money to a HCBM sucks
Losing money to a HCBM sucks a$$. Last year we got zero dollars back... She had maxed out two government credit cards she took out while he was deployed, one in her name and one in his... Well since she has ZERO financial responsibility the government decided to take it... (DH didn't know about these btw...) And we lost every penny of the tax returns because of them... So instead of a nice payout to help us get out of debt, we got that, then she defaulted on two other cards he didn't know about, got her car (she got in his name and was supposed to be refinancing) repossesed, AND defaulted on a loan... So now we have roughly the cost of a house payment in her debt monthly. It's super hard not to be just pissed off all the time at it. I'm sorry Tank
Make sure he pays you back!
Thank you ProbablyAlready. I
Thank you ProbablyAlready. I feel for you as well. Sorry that you had to go through that crap. (hugs) That's not all that witch did. My DH let her live in the house and he moved out and she lied and said that she would the bills there however, the house almost went into foreclosure, the ran up the electric and water bills and the HOA put a lien on the house. DH was giving her half of the bills for the bills and she was responsible for the other half. So my DH was left with a house that was almost in forclosure, an outrageous electric and water bill and a lien from the HOA and that bill had to be paid off as well. This all happened before I met him but now this tax thing came up. But BM is the victim right!! I just want to key her BMW!!!
If you need back up I have
If you need back up I have enough bent up frustration for half a mob. LMAO
I get the frustration, these people who don't have any responsibility and just throw it onto EVERYONE else. Also of course she's the victim. The poor baby shouldn't EVER have to have an ounce of being an adult or responsibility! That's not fair Tank! Make sure everything gets COMPLETELY separated. We got all our returns back this year! So I'm hopeful you'll see the same next year as well!
Pull credit reports
I'm sure he has already done so, but if not, your DH needs to pull his credit reports and check to make sure there are no additional surprises in store. This can be done once per year for free.
We pulled them shortly after
We pulled them shortly after we had a whole ton of money vanish from his bank account for the third time... Was one of those "absolutely no more surprises" moments... Thankfully at that point there wasn't much left to surprise us with. Just wish he had known before the divorce so he could have gotten them divided better or forced her into refinancing quick enough for the repo not to give him a black mark.