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BS9 gave step mom her mother's day gift and other craziness

Sweet T's picture

So, I am making the attempt one more time to interact with my ex husband in a positive manner for BS. I signed him up for little league ( we both agreed to it) I paid for it ( he quit paying his CS at that time so yes I paid for it) and then he volunteered to be an assistant coach... I cringed because he never follows through with anything.

We agreed to be cordial to each other after barely speaking for 3 years. ( he has been abusive to me in the past and as recently as March went nuts on me in front of his new wife and my husband). His new wife is amazing I really like her and hope he keeps his shit together. He has been all buddy buddy to my husband making a great show to others. We take it at face value and I have sucked up crap once again as he tries to push me around and tell me how to do things during my time. I just ignore him. He has showed up for about a 3rd of the games/practices and told the coach that my husband who is present at everything can fill in for him... which he is more than happy to do because he loves BS.

Sooo... BS saw this adorable canvas picture of a dog that looks like step mom's furbaby and he had me buy it. I wrapped it up beautifully and he gave it to her last Sunday. She has no children and her mom died two years ago so I know that day must be hard. She even told me at baseball how she tried to have babies and how it just didn't happen. Today my ex sends me an email because he and head coach called a 1 hr practice this saturday ( my saturday) and he wanted to take BS himself not me bring him... we had plans but I am willing to change them because he is part of a team and needs to learn that I feel. ( oh, he even tried to tell me he would take BS to the practices and I could stay home, but I could come to the games ... he has no visitation during the week and again I padi for it WTF)

Here is part of what he sent me:

On the topic of trust and disciplining our son, you do realize that there are things he talks with Step mom about that he won’t tell you or I, right? I’m sure this is the same with Step dad too. Those things that are said between BS and his step-parents stay between him and his step-parents. Stepmom won’t tell me the content of their conversation unless he’s confiding something in her that could or has hurt him, mentally, physically, sexually, etc. It’s a level of trust between BS and Stepmom/Stepdad that I think is very important for us not to interfere with. On that topic, I think it’s also wise for the relationships between Stepmom/Stepdad and BS remain as casual as it’s been. In other words, if there’s any disciplinary issues or punishments that need to be handed down, that should only come from you or I. BS puts a lot of trust into the adult non-parental relationships he has and I don’t want to ruin it. He has a pretty good stepmom and stepdad and my hope is to keep things relaxed between BS and them.

One last thing – On Sunday, BS gave Stepmom that Chihuahua painting and you made a reference to Mother’s Day. While I’m sure Stepmom appreciated it, she knows her boundaries and doesn’t want to be his mother unless, God forbid, something happens and she HAS to step into that role. Let’s keep Mother’s and Father’s Days for his actual Mom and Dad. I guess I’m being selfish with this, but hey, he’s our son. We do all the hard work and we’re the only ones he calls Mom and Dad, so I think only you and I should enjoy the spoils. Are you OK with this?

Insecure much. I ignored this whole diatribe and addressed the rest. I really wish he would just say thank you and worry about himself.


Pharlap's picture

If he wants to be selfish with father'a day, fine. But he's being pretty bold to demand that you feel the same way about Mother's Day. You seem to appreciate and understand everything she does for your son. There is nothing wrong with helping your young son show that appreciation to her.

The only thing I can think of that doesn't make him out to be a total douche is that SM said that it made her feel awkward, and he took to it the level he did in email himself just be a drama queen.

Willow2010's picture

I really, really, dislike your EX. That email was so stupid.

Why on earth did he go off on you in March?

WalkOnBy's picture

This guy is an ASS....

I sure hope SM thanked him for the lovely gift. I can't see why XH has to stick his nose in here at ALL - other than his insecurities.

He needs to learn that the more people who care about your son, the better off your son will be.

What a jerk!

ChiefGrownup's picture

This is also about his jealousy over his own current wife. I'm sure she had hell to pay when Mr. Anger Issues witnessed his son exhibiting positive feelings to someone other than himself in his own home. He wants Mrs. Anger Issues to know her place. And he is enlisting you in keeping her in her place. His last wife got uppity and he wants to avoid making that mistake again!

Sweet T's picture

I selfishly hope not. She owns a nice house and is so good to be. I really like her, but she seems submissive... I am not and neither is bm1.

Sweet T's picture

I was there and she loved the picture. She and I hung out at bs' s first ball game and his second. She was not uncomfortable, she had actually seen this at the store and thought about buying it.

He loves to try and tell me what to do.

He went nuts on me on my husband's birthday. Bs had a medical issue and ex headed to meet us at urgent care. Ended up being nothing but he wanted to see him so we met at our house. He has never been allowed in my home before. It was good for 30 minutes and then went off how it was all my fault that he was arrested for DV and how he was totally innocent and that he was entitled to 25 percent visitation and he was going to get a lawyer and he wanted every weekend or for bs to live with him...screaming and yelling at me. I never raised my voice, I was calm and rational. He denies that everything that happened occurred. Bs was upstairs at this point.

His wife was in shock. It was horrible. My husband finally told him he was in our home and he could not speak to his wife that way, never raised his voice...very calm. Ex then accused him of threatening him.

Step mom made him call and apologize and has been keeping him on a leash. Funny thing is some emails he copies her on...this he didn't. He is nuts. I run my home not him.

My husband is an awesome step dad and I do the punishing but my husband has every right to address issues of he is caring for bs.

Hennypenny's picture

What an insecure asshole. The phrasing "while I'm sure SM appreciated it..." says to me the sentiments didn't come from SM, it's just a whole load of BS projection. He is jealous of Stepdad, stepmom, and you. Probably the damn chihuahua too.

You have to be a special kind of a-hole to have an ex and a wife who actual have a good relationship with SS and each other and want to sabotage It.

Maxwell09's picture

Your Ex sounds like the perfect match for my SO's Ex especially with those long winded BS emails about "what's best" for her/his kid. least when this stepmom heads for the hills finally, she'll have a cute picture of her fur baby for all her wasted time with that abusive loser.

Sweet T's picture

Trust me if BS felt like his older brothers do about his dad I would not be trying once again to work with him.

My oldest former step son told me last Sunday, Sweet T, my dad is a liar and believes everything that comes out of his mouth. " this from a 19 year old.

I feel bad that the two oldest have a better relationship with me than their own dad, but there are consequences to behavior and he doesn't get it.

Let's see how he can f up my Saturday with this practice. I have an inch and he keeps trying to take 5 miles.

Sweet T's picture

Thanks Mon, I try very hard to do the right thing in life. I am not sure how he managed to find another good woman.

secret's picture

I'd answer back:

"if BS chooses to recognize your wife as a mother-type figure for all the things she does for BS, and chooses to recognize my husband for all the things he does for BS, that's his choice, and his alone. As a parent who is grateful BS can appreciate the things the step-parents do for him, I will not prevent BS from showing his appreciation, and you should support BS if he chooses to show it rather than setting up boundaries based on labels.

I for one am thankful BS has such a caring SM - and I am not threatened by her involvement in his life. If he wants to wish his SM a happy mother's day, I will help him with that. I'm not insecure enough with my position in my son's life that I need to dismiss my son's wish of acknowledgement to someone who shows him the same care for him that I do.

BS knows you're his father, and if he wishes to show appreciation to SF, I'm not going to stand in his way - I truly hope you're not insecure enough to have to assert your position in our son's life as The Father. We all know you're the father - and wishing SF a happy father's day as well in no way changes that, nor does it take away from BS's acknowledgement of you on father's day.

This isn't about us and it being our days - it's about encouraging BS to continue showing a good level of respect towards the people who care for him."