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sufferingbastard's Blog

SD Driving Me Crazy One Bit at A Time...........

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Just really need to vent!

Frankly the old english expression "Sorely Vexed" is the only thing I can come upwith to describe how completely angry and frustrated my teen SD has made me.

I really think this situation is driving me mad!

I cannot go into too much specific but she has been so disrespectful/physical to her mom she was forced to get authorities involved.

We have tried everything with her! The way I feel now she is simply the most selfish and evil girl ever.... which makes me so angry and upsert as I want the best for her.

1st Blog on STO

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Greetings fellow Steps!

I am a 45 Yr. Old stepdad who realizes he screwed himself and is good at it Smile


3 Teen/early SD's who hate me and I feel likewise...

No respect; not even acknowledgement of my existence except as the life support system for a wallet.

Love my 2nd wife of 1.5 yrs....and we were together past 6yrs....