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Why dont the bio's get that at the end of the day...

stressedstep's picture

its easier for them to forgive the skids, cos they are theirs........its not that easy for the Step.

We have no sense of loyalty to the skids as we do for our bios, and it still confuses me at how my OH still cant see that.....

But then, maybe, I think he does. And it seems totally alien to him that nobody loves his kids, accepts their faults, forgives their behaviour (constantly) as much as he does.


Steppy MN2's picture

Or wants to be able to spend every waking second with his kids. My DH doesn't get ANY of this!

Frustr8d1's picture

Same here. My DH's favorite question to me is "Why can't you get over your anger and annoyance over SD when she screws up?" Well, first, because SD screws up and is annoying every single day. And second, like OP said--it's not that easy for the Step. For me, it's impossible!

stressedstep's picture

Its annoying and frustrating and bloody soul destroying being Step!!

Its not our jobs as Steps to nurture or mother these kids really, and I have you know! Ive mothered them, taken care of them, done more for them in 4 years than their own mom did in their life, and that is no exaggeration. But you deal with it from your Bio's because you HAVE too.....lord knows its a gesture of goodwill to do so with the Skids...........especially when its thrown back at you. Sad