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Out of OH and SS19 the cocaine wrapper belonged too.....

stressedstep's picture

OH said it was was an old wrap, he found it under his car seat, got weak and took it......trouble is, Im wondering if he is covering for SS19 due to the scenario that unfolded on Saturday evening......

Now, we've not seen SS19 for 4 1/2 months, had sh*t loads of cr*p and then he suddenly turns up on OH desperate to have any sort of relationship, he decides to take him for a drink on Saturday afternoon, for "a couple of hours", off they went at 3 (after a mammoth row with BM) and OH comes back at 9.30 that evening....during previous chats I had told OH that it was either him or SS19 that had done the wrap, and that I wanted an answer.....OH said he would ask SS19 on the Saturday.....I never heard from him, so at 9 I called OH and asked him....he said he had asked SS19, and he had denied it, I asked OH if it was him, HE SAID NO, then said to he would be back in a bit and we would talk.....I was shaking, crying, uncontrollable, told him that I wanted the truth, it was one of them and that I wouldnt tolerate it any longer.....I text OH and asked if he believed SS19, and had no reply......

OH comes home, alone, and sat for about half hour not saying anything, then said he was going to bed...I followed.....he still never said we fell asleep by about by about 10.30....we are then woke up just after 11 by our intercom....its SS19, he cant be bothered to walk home, so decided to come wake us up and stop at ours instead!....OH lets him in, sends him to SD7s room, and says to me "SS19 wants to stop, Ive sent him to SD7s room!...Ive stayed quiet....he then asked me if it was ok (HE NEVER DOES THAT) as Id not had an answer I asked him again "did you believe him?"..OH said he did.....and I flipped my lid.....

I walked out of the bedroom, and it took OH half an hour to come downstairs to me to tell me he hadnt bought any, he had dropped his lighter under the car seat and had looked for it, he found the wrap with a small amount in it, not enough for a line, he didnt snort it, he licked the wrap. He said he should have chucked it, but he was weak, and took it. He said he was really struggling to stay off it. He wants to talk to me about it, but doesnt want to cause me stress especially being pregnant...COS IM NOT STRESSED NOW AM I!!??....

Ive been wondering, that if I had asked the question when he first got back, would I have had a different answer? Did he realise that if he had said he didnt believe SS19 that I wouldnt have the using dosser anywhere near my home? I dont know.....Ive not spoke to him about it since, trying to level my own head....


stressedstep's picture

Im not sure OH would......he likes to smoke a spliff, and I know both his boys do, but he has never done so with them around even though the b oys knew that he smoked it....

Its all a bit confusing to me at the mates are saying to get rid of him...

Justme54's picture

His son is 19 and he is taking him drinking? I thought drinking age was 21 anywhere you go. Does your husband not working about his job...drug testing? My ex had issues with pot...played a part in our divorce. I am me old school. I think when you are the age of having kids...R&R drugs need to go out the window. That is just my 2 cents.

stressedstep's picture

Its 18 in the UK...although some pubs and clubs do have a 21 limit........

OHs works dont do tests, and SS19 dont work anyway so he wont worry!.

stressedstep's picture

Its one or the other yes.....the drinks out is not a regular thing, it just happened because OH hadnt seen SS19 for 4 months and SS19 suddenly turned up out the blue and suggested OH isnt a heavy drinker, but when he does go out he does binge, I did myself too......

Im actually looking into counselling for me, and OH.....lord something needs to be done!