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BM Rant

Storm76's picture

We have snow, on the south coast of England we rarely get snow as it is, and we've not had anything this heavy since 1963 apparently, so we're really not geared up to deal with it. There isn't enough grit to do all the roads, the pavements are pretty horrible as the snow compacted as it was walked on and then froze so it's essentially 2 inches of ice, and I've had 3 days without my office opening & all the schools have been closed.

I got a phonecall from SS10 this morning asking about what we might be doing at the weekend as he's with us, I explained that it was weather dependant & if we get the fresh snow that's forecast, yes, we can have a snowball fight & build a snowman.

Turns out, that even though he & BM live in a house with a large garden she has blocked the back door up so he can't go out in it! The kid has been cooped up inside for 3 days now (apart from when she wanted to go to the shop he had to go with her!) and not allowed to play in the snow at all!

She makes me MAD - at 10 this is probably the last decent snow he's going to see whilst he's still young enough to get excited about it, yet isn't allowed to enjoy it at all. Poor kid is bored out of his mind as he told me that mummy is sitting in front of the TV with her laptop on, he's no-one to play with or talk to and all he wants is to build a snowman! I think it says something when he takes the phone off to call me for a chat when his mum is in the hosue with him!

I also had a look at her Facebook page - all about snuggling up in bed, how SS10 is bored and she kinda wishes he was at school, though she wouldn't have wanted to walk him there etc etc. Yet, when we have him, she's all 'I miss him so much' and it makes me :sick:

Do you know what, I'm going to make sure he has the best weekend possible with us here - loads of indoor things to do, plus at the first hint of fresh snow we'll be outside chucking it around (assuming BM bothers to pack him cold weather gear as last time he came round the new hat & gloves we'd bought him had mysteriously been 'lost'!)

I really wonder why some people have kids