I've recently discovered something this website is also good for
Besides Venting!!
Every once in a while, I go through my past blogs just to see what I've written about, so I don't do it again.
And there it is.... a history of relationship with SD and BM. A history that I can look back at and say... Wow...this did come up before. Or Shoot! Was it really ONLY last Friday that we had this run in with BM?
I wanted to start a blog today about something that SD confided in me. And I think I still will finally freakin' do it. But I looked at my old blogs, just to check. And lo and behold... she did say it to me before. It just struck me how eloquently she put it this time.
Last time... SD just said that she doesn't trust her mom to "take care" of her.
This past Friday, SD told me that she doesn't trust her mom to take care of her physically and she doesn't trust her mom to take care of her emotionally. And for all of her mom's tears about their bad relationship, or the fact that she's struggling, SD's heart is hardened (as she put it herself). Her mom "brought this on herself". She doesn't say it's all her mom's fault. But she says that it's "mostly" her mom's fault. She's "tired of being the adult" in her and her mom's relationship.
So I went to write about that... and lo and behold I saw a previous entry where SD had said something almost quite the same, but not fully explained. She's coming to grips more with her feelings and she's getting angry.
In the next month, SD and BM will start sessions together, so it's a controlled environment. SD will have someone to help her mom "hear" what she's saying. And BM will have the counselor to help her back her up, when warranted, since SD is so shut down to the woman. It will happen while DH is away, but I think that's okay really. And some of it will be right when he comes home. So I'm not worried about that.
I'm hopeful. I'm hopeful that maybe her mom will break down and realize her part in this. But so far, no luck. She keeps telling DH and anyone that will listen "I know I've been a good mom. I know I'm a good person." and blames SD for being difficult. But I'm still hopeful that maybe they will get through to each other before they lose each other.
- Stick's blog
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So glad about the sessions
They completely need it! I'm sure it will open SD's eyes about many many things in addition to what she already sees. I like that SD progressed in the way she explains herself...that's such a good sign!
Lol, I use my blogs to be like, "seriously Barbie, were you REALLY complaining about that? Are ya kidding me sweetie??"
"We all have different desires and needs, but if we don't discover what we want from ourselves and what we stand for, we will live passively and unfulfilled.”
I do that too...
I'll go back and read them to see what a loon I was......hahaha It's a good refresher!
Stick, I am glad SD is mature enough to recognize those things so early! I wish my SD17 was that mature. I hope counseling helps them!