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Got a chance to go and network with old working buddies and also see some really old good friends in the process. Had a few cocktails (I was driven to and from event) at the same time. And now, BM, who showed up 8 hours late yesterday to pick up SD wants to come in when she drops off SD to talk to me about some church / confirmation functions coming up! I've got the coffee brewing and I just ate some potatoes, but BM better watch what she says to me today. Defenses are DOWN!!! I can totally see me saying to SD - go in your room and finish your homework. Then, me telling BM today - hey, if you don't show up to take SD to these things ON TIME, don't even freakin' bother showing up.... WHEW!!! I'm talking myself down right now... BM was a complete jerk-off yesterday. by the way - DH is not in town and will not be back in town for a while.... that's why he's not dealing with this at this exact moment...


Stick's picture

Darn....the woman must have a nose for ducking danger.... I was ready for her and she didn't come up after all. SD came in and handed me the sheet of paper and said "mom wants to take me to these"...I told her BM is fine to take her if she will be here on time. And we are going to let her know that. SD is even worried because she has to be at one of the requirements at a local soup kitchen at 6:00am ready to work and serve breakfast. She's worried that BM will not get up. I told her that if BM isn't at our house by 5:15a, we are leaving without her, and so what if she gets up early for no reason. I'm a little disappointed that BM didn't come in. I was ready for her!!! Thanks CVO in NEVA