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SD6's Christmas party - of course BM is more interested in the young male teacher than anything else!

SteppingUp's picture

I should always remember that when I'm stressed/nervous about being somewhere that BM will be, that I'll end up giggling about things afterwards!

We got to SD6's holiday party a little bit early so we could figure out where we needed to be and everything. They had us set up in the cafeteria. DH and I sat down, leaving a chair for SD6 and a chair for BM across the table. When SD6 came running to us she was all excited to see us and gave us big hugs. We sat for awhile waiting for BM. She arrived 10 minutes later, saw where we were right away, and pranced over to us while looking around to see who was checking her out. I said to SD6, "Give your mom a hug, you haven't seen her since Sunday." SD was starting to get out of her chair to say hello to BM and BM walks right past her and plops down in her chair.

The first thing she says to SD is "WOW, your hair looks nice today" - all sarcastically. SD frowns and pushes her headband on her head tighter. DH says, "Ahh, it was just a little bump, you got it now," to make her feel better. Then BM says "Yeah but look at that frizzy mess." And SD slides down in her chair and frowns again and holds the sides of her hair down. Poor thing. So we change the subject...went on with our business. We were making ginger bread houses and decorating them.

The whole time BM is putting SD down -- her clothes don't match, her ruffles on her shirt keep sticking up, she has marker all over her hands, etc. This is just how BM is. It's so annoying! And then of course she's awkwardly looking around CONSTANTLY - she does this everywhere. She has such a need for attention.

Of course she ALWAYS has to put in a little put-down on DH, that he's gained weight or something. Today we were talking about SS and how he's been a fussy eater lately, and BM said that all he wants is cheeseburgers from McDonalds -- "wonder where he gets THAT from?" and we promptly told her that we RARELY eat at McDonalds. Like once a month maybe? And he's been fussy lately because we're making him eat what we eat which includes a vegetable. She says, "Well of course he won't eat taht stuff, he doesn't like it." Whatever!

So here's the best part. We're basically done, just kind of hanging out. BM says to SD "Who is that guy over there in the red shirt? I think he's a teacher -- is he?" and literally it takes FOREVER to figure out who she's talking about because he's is literally ACROSS THE CAFETERIA which is full of teachers and kids.

SD says, "Oh that's Mr. P, he's my reading teacher." Of COURSE BM had to meet him. He was the only young and good looking guy there. So she harasses SD until she finally calls him over to look at her project. He starts talking to SD and BM keeps kind of butting in, answering his questions for SD so that he pays attention to HER! He kind of wandered away after a minute, toward the entrance. So BM watches where he goes, and she hurries up and puts her coat on and asks SD if she wants her to walk her to her classroom. SD is like, "No, my teacher will take our class back." So BM starts walking away (towards Mr. P) and gets right by him, then looks back as if she thought SD was following her. Then she acts all embarrassed and stands there next to him and waits.

We took our time walking up there with SD, and then we gave her big hugs. Of course this made BM realize she should also give her kid a hug. So she bends over in front of Mr P and gives SD a really LONG hug. Then SD is like latching on to her (because they never get affection from her, so when they do they just act giddy and don't let go). So of course BM is laughing and giggling because SD is making her look like Mother of the Year. So we go over to where our coats were hanging and put htem on, watching the situation. We say one more goodbye to SD and we move out of the way so that the kids can leave....does BM move out of the way? Nope. She moves in closer to Mr. P, and kids are practically running over her.

DH and I got out to the car and giggled about it. Smile

We couldn't tell if he was "biting" or not -- he was simply being polite and didn't really say anything to her. But damn, it was funny!


DaizyDuke's picture

Good Golly, she is such a trollop!! What I can't believe is that she's been single for as long as she has.. normally these types move super quick from relationship to relationship because they are so in need of attention and someone to take care of them. Do you live in a small town where everyone knows her deal or something? She is a royal piece of work!

DaizyDuke's picture

p.s. don't know if you saw my post or not, but my BM#2 who acts so much like your BM moved out from her BF's apt. who she had been dating on and off for about 7 years and got her own apartment where she quickly had her new 20 year old boyfriend spending the night. (BM is almost 40 and has a son who is 20) the funny thing is, she thinks she is sooooo special but everyone else just sees "skank" (well except for 20 year old losers who are looking for a quick escape from Mommys house) lmao

SteppingUp's picture

She is one of those women who prides herself on not being able to commit to one man. "I'm not a one man kinda girl, just can't do it." She touts independence while screaming for attention. When she and DH were together, she refused to go out with him to the bar, and the few times she would, she'd refuse to let him dance with her or stand next to her -- god forbid she look "taken". Then when she'd go dance with her friends and the single guys would swoop in to grind on her, she'd act all innocent like "What was I supposed to do? Be mean?"

So she strings a few boys along at a time, plays around with the few who mistakenly think she's a total package, until she gets sick of them or they realize she's a tramp and it ends.

Her longest bf after DH was for 6 months...then another for like 4 months but that's been it really.

SteppingUp's picture

I swear that EVERY time BM picks the skids up for the week (hasn't seen them in 7 days) she does not hug them, she comments on what they are wearing or what they look like. Talk about deflating them.

And it's funny because if she truly cared about that, you'd think they would have new clothes all the time, clothes that fit, or that she'd send some clothes with SD6 so that when she goes to her biodads (like she did last night) she has something nice to wear the next day.

DH has talked to BM about it a few times and she blows it off and shifts the blame.

youngmama1b1g's picture

Poor girl. I don't know any 6 yr old who doesn't have marker on their hands twice weekly. And putting her down for her hair? Really? This poor girl is gonna be such a mess when she hits puberty.

It was nice of you guys to even set all that up for her to even have a seat and next to SD too. You guys shine like a beacon compared to that trash. Keep it up.

SteppingUp's picture

Yes, after the giggles stopped today we also talked about how we hope that having us in her life will help her to realize it's not all about being the beauty queen and seeking attention from men...ugh, we'll see.

SteppingUp's picture

I'll give someone a virtual high-five if you can guess what color BM was wearing today....