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BM said she was sick so we'd take the kids and she could have a party...

SteppingUp's picture

Our night to have the skids this week was last night (Monday), then not until the weekend. The other day BM asked if we could take them on Wednesday night this week as well. She offered to switch days but we told her that we'd just take them the extra day.

Then yesterday at work, DF found out he had to stay late, and that he would be needing to go into work at 5:30 this morning. So he thought he'd just see if BM had plans and would indeed want to switch with him. She told him that she's not feeling good and would be going to bed right after she got home from work.

However, we heard through the Facebook grapevine that BM was having a party last night...why on a Monday, who knows? So I just checked her Facebook and she is so stupid. She posted all about the party at her apartment last night, and then this morning talking about how she has a hangover while at work.

Page printed and filed away.

I know that we switched with her and it became our responsibility, so that's not what this vent is about. It's just the fact that she lies about eeevvverrryyyythiiinnngggg. All the time. Why not just tell him she made plans after we agreed to have them tonight instead of pretending to be sick so she can't take her kids?


Asher10's picture

i can't stand when they do that!Why not just ask for the favor and give your reason for needing the favor.what is the point of lying?!ugh!
BM a few years back called and said someone broke into her house and stole all her stuff and could we please take sd for the weekend while she got things straightened out.she even gave us an itemized list of what was stolen!Turns out,nothing like that happened she just wanted to go out of state for the weekend with her was so ridiculous.these women act like everyone walks around with the word stupid tattooed on their forehead and couldn't possibly keep up with the supreme genius of The BM!