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Stepped in what momma's Blog

O/T Rags comment - how to get THEM out

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I didn't want to steal someone else's blog but Rags comment:
I would suggest that you make sure to have your non-Skid weekends fully booked with meaningful activities for you and DH and do the same for your skid weekends sans DH and the Skid.
If the Skid's presence is nauseating to you... remove yourself from his presence.

I'm not sure I agree with Miss Manners-----

Stepped in what momma's picture

Dear Miss Manners: My stepchildren were dropped at our house and sent in with fast food to eat. As there are other children in the household, and as I was raised if you don’t have enough for everyone, you don’t take it, I sent their mother the following message: “In the future, please do not send fast food in with the kids. It is very disrespectful to the other kids that live in this house and are limited on the amount of fast food they are allowed.’’
