Should we be worried?
I just read about the blog W W W . T H E P S Y C H O E X W I F E . C O M being ordered taken down by a judge in the custody case.
I'm just wondering whether we are safe here or whether we'll soon be banned too...
Be very careful friends. Sigh
- stepmom31's blog
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Incredible violation of his
Incredible violation of his rights! Freedom of speech is quickly disappearing. I would never discuss my Steps on a site like Facebook where people know who I am and thus would know who they are but it sounds like this man has and is still doing what's necessary to protect his children. JUST WRONG!!
I worry about my anonymity on
I worry about my anonymity on here a lot, but mostly because I say unfavorable things about SO's kids that would probably get me dumped.
I don't think I say anything that would jeopardize his custody rights or anything. As far as I know, BM doesn't really use the Internet, either. Either way, I just can't seem to help myself from posting, LOL! I hope this site stays around, or we may all turn into psychos ourselves.
How would the BM know who you
How would the BM know who you are? Seriously - we are all going through so many similar situations - I feel like the BM in my situation would be fighting with at least 100 of us thinking they were all me!!
Little by little people are
Little by little people are having their rights taken away...mostly by crazy BMs through courts...but eventually, it WILL bite them in the butt. I think he needs to have a group of people LOOKING for her facebook, myspace or other account to ensure she doesn't post anything.
By the way, check out and you will find MANY more crazy ex-wives complaining there...sigh...amazing...why hasn't THAT been taken down? They actually mention NAMES there...he never did...but then again, of course, he's a man and not a BM.