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Gotta love the honesty...

Stepmom2Ched's picture

When DH picked up Ched from BM's on Thanksgiving morning (at 8 am!), the BM mentioned about the day AFTER Thanksgiving being Ched's 7th birthday. She said something about how lucky he was that he was having 2 birthday parties.

Ched said to BM, "Yeah, we're going to have one at my home and at YOUR home" pointing to BM. She said, "You mean your home with daddy and your home with me."

He said, "No, MY home, and YOUR home."

DH just observed this conversation between the two saying NOTHING. He was just tickled inside knowing his son, whom he only sees every other weekend considers this house with him, me, and my daughter, his HOME!

It was a great Turkey day...and the next day we celebrated his birthday just as a family--no outside party or anything like that. He remembered the little cake he had last year and even remembered the CANDLES he had on his cake...and wanted the same thing this year! No problem, sweetie!

We had cake and ice cream first (my daughter woke up and had it for breakfast!!)...Ched got to lick off the plate (coz it's his birthday!!!)...THEN it was gift time! I stamped the wrapping paper with Birthday stamps...and handstamped a birthday card for him as well.

My mother is up here still and got to be with him on his birthday and just really enjoyed it!

We got Ched some board games, since he's getting to THAT age...I think he'll enjoy them. (We got him "Trouble" and "Operation."

DH took him back around 2pm...we had a great time and I'm SO SO glad we got to spend his birthday ON His birthday with him this year!


BMJen's picture

Congrats. I'm so glad that you guys got to have him for his big day!!

I bet that comment hurt BM to the core though..............can you imagine if your children said that to you? Ouch.

Jon-Boy's picture

Loved this!
The things you are two doing in his life are powerful.
Good for you two!

What was the stamped wraping paper and card you were talking about?
Do you have a link I can check this out with?

Stepmom2Ched's picture

I found plain white wrapping paper, and used acrylic stamps & stamp pads to stamp Happy Birthday stamps all over the paper after I wrapped the gifts. Mainly because the paper was not 'thick' enough to disguise what was wrapped, so this distracted Ched from being curious!!! He thought it was a great idea!

~*~A Good Mommy will let the kids lick the beaters. A GREAT Mommy will turn the mixer off first!~*~