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I know this shouldn't bother me but...

stepmama.of.a.prince's picture

Yesterday when FDH and I dropped off SS2, he said "i love you" as he was walking away, and BM said "i love you too...oh, you were talking to (SS2)"

ugh. she aggravates me, and she has been doing stuff like this lately...i Just don't get it..

FDH and I are SO perfectly happy, and for the short time that he and her were actually together, he tried to spend as little time with her as he could because she was nuts and absolutely rude to him....I don't see what about that would be appealing...



stepmama.of.a.prince's picture

Well, actually, SS2 was very upset to have to go to his mother's house, and FDH was upset as well, so he was shedding a few tears, so he just ignored it and kept walking away.

But she tried to discuss it later and he said that if she has anything to say that does not have to do with his son, then it does not need to be addressed.

youngstepmom84's picture

ugh, I feel for you. The crazy BM in my life did everything in her power to make me feel uncomfortable. She wanted my BF to be as unhappy as she was and that meant breaking us up. She would send me text messages saying they were having sex behind my back, that he was cheating on me with lots of other women, that he was spying through her window at her. All lies. She would constantly call and text him for any little question when she knew I was with him. She did all this just to annoy me.
I never acknowledged any of her games to her. The only thing I did was tell her to stop texting me or I would call the police. She stopped.
Now it's been over a year and she's calmed down a lot. The sad thing is the more she knows it annoys you the more she'll do it. She's like a small child right now and you have to just ignore her no matter how much you wish you could tell her exactly what you think of her.
Trust me, it will get better.

on the fence's picture

Yeah, don't let that get to you. That's just crazy BM weirdness and something that FDH will have to deal with or not. Read Asher's stuff today. Don't let yourself be put on the menu and if you and your FDH can ignore BM drama it really helps take fun out of it for her.

stepmama.of.a.prince's picture

Thank you! Smile
Asher? Is that another user? I'm sorry, I'm not familiar..

Asher10's picture

Poor lonely unloved bm!You should bake her some little heartshaped cookies or something :sick: Dh laughs at BM when she makes those pathetic comments.He laughs and shakes his head.That says more to her than words really can.I can't stand saying another woman is pathetic but some of them really are!

StepDeux's picture

Our BM, who is from a one-night stand, is always saying things to people like, "I love SO, he is SD's dad," and crap like that. Either that or he's an evil monster. }:) Some people are just really weird and feel like because they have a kid with someone, it somehow means that they should love/care for one another.