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Stepgram's Blog

It’s been awhile…

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I've been dealing with some health issues so it's been a while since I have last posted.  SD's latest request made my jaw drop.  She wanted to move in our home with her husband and son so that they could save money to keep on travelling.  This woman is 37 years old and expects we would provide shelter and food for them. DH flat out told her no and that they needed to work it out themselves. Needless to say they have not gone on any trips recently and we don't see them too often. 

Well it was fun while it lasted

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I haven't written in a while as Sd and her family moved to another continent last year. It only lasted a few months before they decided to pick up again and return home. 

Sd now is trying again to off load her kid on someone else. This time it is our (dh and I) dd which is her half- sibling.  

Sd tried to convince dd to join her and her husband on a trip to the south for 2 weeks.  They wanted her to look after their son during the day and then in the evening dd could go out and explore the sights - on her own.  Dd 19 years old. 

Figured out SD's plan - kinda of long

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Some background info:  I have been married to DH for 25 years.  We have 2 DDs together who are in their 20's.  DH has a daughter in her 30's from his first marriage.  When DH and I first got together, SD lived with her mother in another town.  Once we got married, his ex dumped the kid on us and then Dh dumped the responsibility on me.  SD has some behavioral issues and since my career was in social work and behavioral management issues, I did the work in correcting those behaviors and for the most part SD turned out okay although she is still a needy person.  SD is now married and had her