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Not sure if its good or bad

Stepbell's picture

Well for over two weeks now I have been living back in my own home with my two bio kids. There's so much peace not being there in the middle of the problems with my ss15. But I do miss my dh. Having time with my kids have been awesome not trying to stay disengaged at the same time. I'm afraid I like this too much. But dh is sad to say a Disney dad who is just now figuring out that he has let too much go on and hasn't respected or backed me when I have tried to talk to him about the problems. Now he's having to actually parent which is a great eye opener but I'm so fed up I'm happier away from them both right now. Does this make me an aweful person to not want to be in the same house right now? I just can't stand being around the kid. And I love kids!! I'm the mom who has up to 15 kids at a time having out swimming or whatever.. It's just HIS kid that won't get along with me. So sad.


Stepbell's picture

I really hope he does too. I don't understand why they don't see what we see when problems come up. I want them to have good visits together and I honestly try but I had to move. I can't let this affect my kids anymore. It's sad we are happy apart but he caused a lot if this by not working on things as problems came up. Always had excuses. There's so much to these issues I could blog a novel Wink