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O/T off Willows Picture blog

starfish's picture

OMG!! this is too funny.... i loved the sparkly tree so much, i googled dancing starfish to see if i could find something animated, first thing that popped up:

Urban Dictionary

1. dancing starfish

when someone is bent over and you stick your thumb into their asshole and twiddle your fingers.

Man...Laura was bent over last night and I gave her the dancing starfish!!!

i think i'll keep my current pic!! hahahahahaha


starfish's picture

willow, if you are still having a problem... follow the others instructions as to saving to a file. then open the pic and save as a jpeg.. upload to st..

i just had some problems and never did before... my pics were saving as bmp and st doesn't accept that.???

starfish's picture

it must be your settings somewhere.... good luck.....

thinking about adding

"BEWARE of the dancing starfish"

as my signature line....

JustAnotherSM's picture

ROFLMAO! "BEWARE of the dancing starfish" will make a GREAT signature!