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Stressed out!

snoopyinoz's picture

I'm done. SD10 is in her room, and SD6 and I are waiting on DH to get home. Not doing it anymore. SD10 for the most part has been pretty good all week, until today. DH told her last night if she got her chores done, she could go to work with him this morning. Well, DH got ready for work, and SD10 didn't have her chores done (No shock there) and DH told her "nope, you didn't do your chores, your not going" and left for work. (thanks DH :? ) Well, SD10 does her chores, and as shes doing them, SD6 comes into the living room and tells me that SD10 was snooping through my purse this morning, AND, got into a bag of candy and ate 1\2 of it. I ask SD10 "why were you digging in my purse?" her answer "I was looking for something" (yeah, didn't buy it) ask her why she ate 1\2 bag of candy. "Because I wanted it and knew you would say no" (didn't think to ask.) well, I go looking in my purse and find money missing. I question SD10 about it, and get the "I thought that it was MINE" (in MY purse? out of MY wallet? WTF) and SD10 starts whinnnniiinnngggg. I tell her I'm not dealing with it, tell her to go lay down. she looks at me and says "I don't want to" Don't really care, didn't ask what you WANTED go do it." Well, SD10 starts grunting, crying, pointing, stomping her feet and acting like a 2 year old. and whining "I'm COLD!" (its 80 in the house), so I tell her "Fine, your cold, put on some jeans and stop complaining" got the usual "I don't WANT to" crap. Not doing it. Shes in her room, STILL grunting, crying and throwing her hissy fit. I video taped it for DH when he gets home, Maybe I should meet him at the door with some popcorn.................


CrystalRE's picture

Sounds like my SD-11...we had a hell of a time with her the first two weeks of summer!!! I nearly threw a party when she went to visit BM!