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So far........

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It's been a week since BM saw the kids. DH and I finally got through the attitude that SD10 was dealing with and after finding about a few things have managed to get SD10 back to her normal self. SD7 on the other hand has started back into the "I can do......" crap. This usually happens about a week after they see BM. The "I can't do..." drives me insane! All of a sudden SD7 "can't" do things she's been doing JUST fine for the last two years. I.E "I can't turn on the light switch" or "I can't open my backpack" I swear BM does EVERYTHING for her when she sees them (and totally ignores SD10) BM even goes so far as to carry SD 7 because she's "little" yeah she's got two legs that work just fine. I REFUSE to pack her around like a sack of taters. Last night DH got hit with the "I can'ts" we had gone out for supper (usually Saturday night treat) and SD7 said "I can't open my taco" DH looked at her and said "if I open it I'm gonna eat it, your perfectly capable of doing it yourself" SD7 tried the "but mommy does" line and DH said "yeah well, I'm not your mother, eat" then SD7 tried getting her sister to do it for her and SD10 refused. No kidding, SD7 SAT there for five minuets while DH SD10 and I started eating. When she finally realized that no one was going to do it for her, she opened her food and ate. DH is already had his fill of the "I can'ts" and so have I. Ugh I cannot WAIT till we get this while thing done and overwith!
