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Here we go again....

snoopyinoz's picture

............With the yearly BS. Ok, BM left 2 years ago, moved to another state, and, in those last 2 years has seen the kids a grand total of 5 times. (once in the last year) well, SD10 has started in with her disrespect, mouth, and disrespectful attitide. (the last three weeks have been great, DH and I thought she was over it, guess we were wrong) we went through this shit last year. I am sick of SD trying to take it out on me, and DH told SD10 last night that that the attitude needed to STOP. SD10 is pissed at her mother (frankly can't say I blame her) and when DH and I try talking to SD about it, she gets shitty and screams "I don't want to talk about it" then storms off. We have tried counceling, but that was cut short because the "councelor" told SD10 to "use BM being gone as an excuse for acting out, and to play the mommy card as often as she could" After the councelor told DH this, he flipped out. (DH has 100% custody, and BM has made no attempt to call since thanksgiving, no birthday cards or christmas cards either, basically, this woman wants to "parent" when she wants to make an impression on someone and still calls herself a "good mother" when BM WAS here, she stole, lied to the kids, made exborant promises that she had no intention of keeping ect.) I am trying to keep my head about all this, but there is only so much BS I can take.


emilymarie's picture

I hear you completely. I am in your situation. BM lives 20 states away and steps up to be a parent when it benefits makes me mad too. What really pisses me off is how hard we work to live with these kids, be involved in their lives, even when it's hard on us, and then their mothers still claim them as their children and think they're mother of the year. I never asked to be a stepmom, I just love my husband so much that I go thru tough times w his daughter for him. I think husbands forget what it;s like sometimes to live w a child who isn't theirs and how hard it can be.

snoopyinoz's picture

Luckily my DH is supportive, and like I tell him, is the BM calls herself a "good mother" because she gave birth to these 2 girls, then I am Rachell Ray because I can boil water.

Jsmom's picture

Get a new therapist... Sometimes they just don't understand all the blended family issues.