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SMIT's Blog

Is it him, me, or both of us?

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I’m feeling like such a wicked stepmother. My little guy is 4-1/2, a wonderful age full of growth and being more of a “big boy” all the time… it’s also filled with stubbornness, mouthiness, whining, pouting, potty talk, etc. I don’t always have the patience I think I should for it and I find myself reprimanding him, then being worried about damaging our relationship and feeling like a big, fat meanie.

The best Christmas so far

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I hope everybody had as wonderful a Christmas as we had at our house.

Last night, our very cute little guy was so good about going to sleep, even though was sooooooooooooooo excited about Santa's visit. DH kept him occupied with a book while I snuck gifts out of the guest room and under the tree and got his stocking ready.

Please leave him alone!

SMIT's picture

Ugh... 9:00 on Christmas night and the ex- HAD TO call my husband. She needed him to explain something about hooking up her older son's new laptop to a printer. You're telling me there was no support line she could have called?! Oh, wait, apparently there was... and the number rang to my husband. Gosh, she bugs me sometimes. That was the third time she called him tonight.

Hello, again!

SMIT's picture

Hi, all:

I've been away from the site FOREVER. Something happened and i couldn't log in at work and I was leery of logging in at home and maybe starting a fight with DH. Sometimes he thinks I overreact to the -ex's antics... times when I can't get him to see that men and women view things differently. I could come here and vent about SS's mommy. Smile

Quit playin' "remember when" with my husband!

SMIT's picture

OK, went to another hilarious tee-ball game on Saturday. Those kids are a riot! My SS's mommy, on the other hand, not so much...

I've kvetched on here before about sitting with her at games. We really can't avoid her because it's an indoor field with only a few places to watch. She's usually sitting on an end by the time we get there and there's really nowhere else to go.

Living with frat boys or ex-wife??? Give me frat boys!

SMIT's picture

Remember how I was all wigged out a few weeks ago because the ex-wife wanted to rent the house across the street from us? Well, it looks and sounds as though the Tappa Kegga Brew fraternity is renting the house. My husband told me about a couple of things he heard and saw while he was outside over the weekend. I told him I'm not above calling the police if things get out of hand. We're paying too much in a mortgage every month to deal with that craziness! (I also know how we could track down the homeowner if necessary.

grocery shopping...

SMIT's picture

I need to vent about grocery shopping with my DH. I notice more and more every time we go that he's a little obsessed with getting things that SS would like. And I feel like he talks down to me, almost saying I'm not thinking of SS enough when planning meals. I've pointed this out to him and he doesn't see it. It makes me nuts.

If I'd see my husband put the kind of OOMMPH into us as he does into that little boy, it would be different.

Mommy laughs at bad behavior!

SMIT's picture

A little advice... 4 year old boys are not ready for tee ball! I don't think some of their mothers are, either.

SS looks adorable in his too-long t-shirt and it's hilarious to see 10 little kids in batting helmets (think Rick Moranis in "Space Balls"). Saturday was the third week of tee ball for my SS and he's a terror on the field. He's OK when his team is up to bat. The kid's got a great swing and he's so fast getting around the bases. His daddy and I were just plain embarrassed Saturday, though, by his antics in the outfield.
