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just not feeling it

slice_of_slife's picture

DW travels every so often for work. During one of our discussions in which DW pointed out yet again that I am not supportive enough of SD15 and SS11, I reminded her that at least I watch kids when she is gone. In her riled-up stste, she pointed out that one time when she travelrd, I came home late (8:00) so I could fish for a couple hours with a friend after work, aIl I had done was to make sure they knew we had macaroni and cheese cups and roast beef from the previous night for them to eat in my absence.

Long story short, I got told by DW, and eventually by skids, that I do nothing for them.cook a bunch of food they don't like (read containing vegetables), and that they basically have no use for me. DW hasapologized, and has told me she had a good talk with skids regarding the fact that they were wrong to say that to me. Kids have never apologized, but whatever. Anyway, DW is currently gone on first of eight nights gone in next month, and I really am not concerned with the food situation. There are some leftovers in the fridge and the makings for soup and sandwiches, so I am leaving it to them. Feels good, but still guilty in a way.


slice_of_slife's picture

They are OK with some of my cooking ( I cook quite a bit), it is just that one and/or the other of them doesn't like peas, carrots, beans of ANY sort, mushrooms, onions, pasta, squash, tomatoes or other things I grow in the garden. They like their food extremely boring (by my standards). I tell them to feel free to pick out what they don't like. This apparently means that I dislike THEM personally. Anyway, everyone knows it is patently untrue that I do nothing for them. But it kind of makes me want to live up to the bad rap.

twopines's picture

I would want to live up to the bad rap as well. DW had better make sure to tell the 15y/o what she left them to make for their dinner when she's out.

slice_of_slife's picture

On the humorous side, when I got home tonight SS11 was making mac and cheese for himself, and said that he would make some for DD15 (my bio that also lives with us but eats pretty much what is put on the table.) That is part of the reason it is SO frustrating. DW is OK with them eating mac and cheese as often as they want, which is pretty often. The comments from them had ZERO basis in fact, and were just meant to inflame the issue. which they did. SO frustrating that it happened, and EQUALLY as ffrustrating that I am holding onto it. Ugh, I frustrate myself.

MissElphaba's picture

This. SO's daughter hates that I can cook and that SO likes my cooking, read into that what you will. Whenever I cook and she's around, she will eat two bites and say "I tried it, it's gross. Daddy how can you eat that?!" And go after something else. I have no problem keeping the cheap processed crap SO and the Grand High Seahag allow her to consume...if she wastes it it's $1 in the trash, not the decent amount of money I put into getting healthful food for the table. I could allow SO to cook while she's there, but he works longer hours than I do..and I enjoy MY kitchen. }:)