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My new song- The Last Word by Mary Chapin Carpenter

Sita Tara's picture

Mary Chapin Carpenter's
The Last Word

You can have it, I don't want it, and when you've got it, I'll be gone
It won't matter what you're saying when the damage has all been done

Can't seem to keep the faith, as if that's all I need to do
I'd rather walk away than take what belongs to you

You can have it, I don't want it, and when you've got it, I'll be gone
It won't matter what you're saying when the damage has all been done

Some words will cut you down like you were only in the way
Why should I stand this ground, it won't hurt as much to say

You can have it, I don't want it, and when you've got it, I'll be gone
It won't matter what you're saying when the damage has all been done

Sometimes we're blinded by the very thing we need to see
I finally realized that you need it more than you need me

You can have it, I don't want it, and when you've got it, I'll be gone
It won't matter what you're saying when the damage has all been done
The damage has all been done

It's an amazing video- just wait til the backstory stuff is over (a min or so) before they show the concert version of the song.


Elizabeth's picture

I love Mary Chapin Carpenter. I have this album, and my favorite line in this song is:

Sometimes we're blinded by the very thing we need to see
I finally realized that you need it more than you need me

(I played "Grow Old Along With Me" from this album and our wedding.)

Sita Tara's picture

Yes that line- wow. The whole song and the performance I have linked- wow.

She's an amazing singer/songwriter. I'm going to have a musician friend learn this so I can sing it out.