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your FDH needs to be told to disengage with BM

SisterNeko's picture

a quote from Ripley and I strongly agree.

Just trying to figure out the best way for FDH to do that - suggestions?

I think I finally got it through to FDH that BM is a lying sack of S*** and and it's not so much that he calls BM to find things out but BM calls him to tell him everything he needs to know. (yeah you see where this is going - right? if not let me translate - she calls to tell him what she wants him to know/think and then to Tell him what THEY are going to do.)

But FDH surprised me, after last weekend (feel free to read that post later) she lied to him a few times and after she accused US of doing some things that we didn't do, FDH went off on her about what she does - like the crap she feeds the boys and that BOTH of them have bowel issues. She hung up on him and txt'ed him that she doesn't critic what we do with the boys on our weeks so we should do that to her. (um yeah she does)

Then she called FDH the next day to tell him that she talked to SS4's teacher and they said that Bowel issues are common in kids with Autism. (about 12 to 19% - i googled it) Adding that there are 3 other kids in class with the same issue. She went on to say that the school was sending HER a print out. With out me telling him to... FDH called the school.

The teacher said that she hadn't talk to BM but she was willing to look into it for him.

I told him that he did the right thing - even if BM had talked to the school calling them would have shown them that he was involved and needed to be contacted about this stuff as well (by them not BM). I also told him that there really wasn't any point in going off on BM any more unless he had witnesses to back him up. Reliable witnesses. Basically I told him not to be afraid to make little comments in front of teachers and doctors. And to call those people when he has questions - that is what they are paid to do.