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Mommy's boy is an understatement

SisterNeko's picture

Yesterday in the meeting with the Therapist, FDH explain EVERYTHING that we were concerned about but when FDH told them that SS7 has a real attachment issue when it comes to women, BM chimed in and said that he has always been a momma's boy, but she admitted that he really does seem to like me.

The doc went on to say that SS7 has Anxiety issues and a number of the things that he does are just his way and distracting himself when he is stressed, literally he gives himself something to do to get his mind off of whatever is bothering him - the collecting, the pacing, that video games, the tv, ect.

They were told that some of it is also just his way of getting attention and we need to sort through the real anxiety Vs. the faked stuff and not reward him for faking. Our solution lately is to just send him into this bedroom to lay down whenever he says he is 'sick'. If it's faked he comes out in 5 mins all better, if it real he gets worse and we go from there.

Today he was acting weird. He just wanted to play his DS all day and then got 'freaked' when I would turn the TV on during lunch or dinner (again it keeps his mind off the bad thoughts) so I sent him to his room and he came back 5 mins later ready to eat. What I don't get is he wanted attention but he wanted to play his game, there is nothing more boring than sitting there watching some one else play a video game. I have tried to do other things and act like I am watched but he talks non-stop. It's really hard for me to do.

But... at dinner he asked me if we could call him mom. I said no. He just wants her to feel sorry for him and give him attention. If I called her he would just cry and she would come over and there would be drama. He went on to say that he sleeps better at night when he sleep with mom. SERIOUSLY? He is 7! I guess last week she let him sleep with her EVERY night and I guess the therapist told her not to do that any more (we'll see if that happens). So where was Chubby Hubby? No way that bed is big enough for all 3 of them (SS7 says Chubby Hubby - BM's husband - sleeps on the sofa 'sometimes'). Yeah that is healthy for the marriage of less than a year.

Mommy's boy is an understatement - he is freakin' whipped!


hanneyh1's picture

To be honest, I wouldn't worry about what goes on at the other house. Let them do what they do how they want to do it. No sense spending extra energy of yours worrying about something you won't be able to change anyway. I would just focus on how he behaves at your house. Keep doing what you're doing. If you are busy doing something and he is begging for attention, just tell him that you are busy right now and you can't. Let him know that you have things to be doing also. If you want, ask him if he wants to help with the chores (yeah they'll take longer, but not only will he get the attention he wants, you'll get a little helper). Or just tell him that maybe if he lets you be while you're busy, afterwards (and only if he lets you be!) you might play a quick game together to get the attention bug out of his system. Play something that involves both of you like a card game, or a board game, or if you can stand it a two person game on the xbox or playstation or wii. And remember, if he doesn't let you be like you instructed until you're not busy anymore, don't play the game. He has to learn that he won't get to do the fun stuff if he can't let you do the things you need to get done. Your work is just as important to you as your attention is to him.