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I take back what I said about BM's interest in Therapy

SisterNeko's picture

Apparently she does have an interest. FDH has been trying to get a hold of the Therapist to see how it went with SS7 for days, she finally called us today and left a message for FDh stating that she talks to BM about it and thought BM would have told him what she said.

She went on to say that everything went well SS7 was very easy to talk and there seems to be the biggest issue with bed time and there were some difference between households. but the message got cut off at, he remembers some stuff from before...

So FDH is going to try to call her again tomorrow and find out what the rest of the message was supposed to be. Meanwhile FDH is in raged that BM talked to the Therapist and didn't think to call him, he was planning to call her when he talked to the Therapist. We are going to try to nail down when she talked to BM if it was before the Sunday switch that is really shade since BM just nodded when FDh told her that he hadn't been able to reach the Therapist.

My guess would be that the Therapist may have had some words with her, since BM has been claiming not to have issues and doing everything by the book. She also told the therapist in not so mayn words that her and FDH communicate very well - clearly that was a lie. So now BM doesn't want any one to know that she isn't the greatest mom in the world. If so her next step will be to get us to STOP sending SS7 to Therapy all together, if she does that I would think the Therapist would be calling CPS.

Also FDH is going to flat out tell the therapist that BM doesn't always tell him everything, this isn't the first time she found out something and didn't tell him.

In other news SS5 (who doesn't talk much/well) told me today (without any coaxing). "We're all going to die. Dad is turning into a bad dad." And he repeated it a few time. I wrote it down and told FDH. The issue is, BM has the boys calling her Chubby Hubby 'Dad' too. So which 'dad' was he talking about? We have been thinking for some time that BM and her hubby are having issues. He no longer comes with her to drop them off and is rarely home when we drop the boys off. But we also no that BM doesn't think much of FDH's parenting skills especially with all the issues we are having with SS7.